Free Mattress Buying Guide


Would pegboard offer good support for a foam single mattress?

philip michaelson asked
17th February 2016

Would pegboard offer good support for a foam mattress currently on a slatted wooden base? If so would the pegboard need to cover the whole base or just the main weight bearing section and would the pegboard need to be of wooden or other material?

1 Answer
answered 8 years ago

Hi Philip,

The pegboard or MDF that we recommend to be placed over slatted bases is not for the support it is to prevent the mattress dipping into the gaps and ridging as a result. It is likely to make the foam mattress you refer to feel slightly firmer and I would advise that you cover as much of the surface area as possible. Pegboard is usually made of hardboard or thin MDF.

This article would be the best for you to have a read through as it will show all the available base options 



I trust that this helps, but if you require anything else, please call our office on 0161 437 4419.

Kind regards,
