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For Dora at Trustpilot

Embracing Sustainability: John Ryan By Designs’ Commitment to Eco-Friendly Handmade Mattresses

In an era where sustainability is paramount, John Ryan By Designs stands out as a beacon of eco-consciousness in the mattress industry. With a commitment to crafting premium handmade mattresses using sustainable materials and ethical practices, the company is leading the charge towards a greener, more environmentally friendly future. In this blog post, we delve into the ethos of sustainability that drives John Ryan By Designs and explore how their handmade mattresses embody eco-consciousness at every stage of production.

Craftsmanship and Sustainability

At the heart of John Ryan By Designs’ sustainability efforts lies a dedication to traditional craftsmanship. Each mattress is meticulously handmade by skilled artisans in their workshop, ensuring the highest quality and longevity. No production lines or mass production. Certainly no cheap imported mattresses components. By eschewing mass production and opting for handcrafting techniques, the company minimises its environmental footprint while supporting local craftsmanship.

By choosing a hand made mattress which takes on average 18 hours to make you know you‘re avoiding cheaper replica mattresses with high carbon foot prints and air miles.

Recycling logo

Sustainable Mattress Materials

One of the cornerstones of John Ryan By Designs’ sustainability ethos is the use of eco-friendly materials in mattress construction. From ethically sourced cotton and using British Wool board assured wool to sustainably sourced natural latex and bamboo fibers, every material is carefully chosen for its environmental credentials. These materials are not only renewable and biodegradable but also free from harmful chemicals, ensuring a healthier sleep environment for customers.

John Ryan: the Pioneers in Mattress Recycling

We are proud to be the trail blazer in mattress recycling. Having offered a full recycling service now for the past 6 years we were one of the first companies to offer to recycle our old mattress, no matter what, type brand or age! Our state of the art recycling partner then recycles every possible component of your mattress meaning no more mattresses going to landfill when you buy from John Ryan By Design.

What happens to recycled mattresses?

When we collect your existing mattress for recycling you’d be amazed at the multitude of new lives the components can take on. The materials from recycled mattresses can be dismantled and separated into their individual components, such as metal springs, foam padding, and fabric upholstery. T

  1. Industrial Applications: Some mattress materials, such as metal springs and foam padding, can be used in various industrial applications. For example, metal springs may be melted down and used to create new metal products or even road surface materials. While foam padding may be shredded and used as insulation or soundproofing material in home building and apartment blocks.
  2. Carpet Padding: Foam padding and shredded polyester from recycled mattresses can be repurposed as carpet padding, providing cushioning and support under carpeted floors.
  3. Pet Bedding: Cleaned and sanitized mattress materials, such as foam padding and fabric upholstery, can be used to make pet beds. These beds provide comfort and support for pets while giving recycled materials a new lease on life.
  4. Furniture Upholstery: Fabric upholstery from recycled mattresses can be repurposed for use in furniture upholstery, such as chairs, sofas, and ottomans. This gives old mattress materials a second chance to contribute to the furnishing industry.
  5. Insulation: Some mattress materials, particularly foam padding, can be used as insulation in buildings or vehicles. By repurposing these materials for insulation, recycled mattresses can help improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

Artisan bespoke 004 mattress

Reducing Waste & Single Use Plastic Packaging

In addition to using sustainable materials, John Ryan By Designs is committed to minimising waste throughout the manufacturing process. By optimising material usage and recycling any scrap materials left during the making of your mattress, the company significantly reduces its environmental impact and contributes to a circular economy.

Even packaging materials are chosen with sustainability in mind, with a focus on recyclability and minimal waste. All plastic mattress packaging and bags are completely recycled meaning we prevent single used plastic in our processes. Being one of the only mattress manufacturers to currently do this.

Ethical and Transparent Practices

Transparency and ethical business practices are fundamental to John Ryan By Designs’ sustainability philosophy. From sourcing materials from reputable local suppliers to providing full transparency about their production processes, our company prioritizes integrity and accountability. Customers can trust that their mattress purchase supports ethical and sustainable practices every step of the way.

We where possible always opt for local or UK sourced fibres, from farms with the highest animal husbandry standards. Our spring production is based in the UK and we keep our carbon foot print as small as possible for all our components.


In a world where sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity, John Ryan By Designs is setting the standard for eco-friendly mattress production. Through a combination of traditional craftsmanship, sustainable materials, waste reduction initiatives, and ethical practices, the company is redefining what it means to create premium handmade mattresses with a conscience.

With John Ryan By Design, customers can rest easy knowing that their mattress not only provides unparalleled comfort but also embodies a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.


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