Mattress toppers included?
On your page 'Mattress Toppers explained' you say that "We recommend that all mattresses should have a topper and our dual construction method provides each bed with a built in removable mattress topper. "
When read in isolation from the info on mattresses, and before getting more clued up by reading the excellent information you provide overall, this suggests that a mattress topper is included in the package for all mattress types but I don't think that this is the case - I think this is the latex beds only? Thanks
Hi Denise,
I am sorry if you have been confused by the statement regarding toppers. It is only our Contemporary range (Latex & Hybrid Foam) of products which come with a removable topper. With our Origins and Artisan ranges, we would normally advise that you use the mattress for at least 14 days before deciding upon whether a topper is necessary. I hope this clarifies the position for you.
Kind regards
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