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For Dora at Trustpilot
18th March 2020

Best value mattress for £500?

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Melanie Alford


I recently found your site searching for the best mattress for £500. I've been looking at buying a new mattress for my flat as my old one is absolutely knackered. It was a freebee with the bed frame. Think it's one of those big spring cage ones?

I've read a few posts on your site but was wondering if you can help me decide on which mattress to go for. I'd like to buy British if possible and support local but there's some great discount deals to be had on Casper, Emma etc. I'm a bit overwhelmed.

I'm 11 stone - 5ft 8. Like a medium feel mattress with a bit of sink. Would love a natural fibre mattress (not sure whether they exist at this price point) also my dog sleeps on my bed. I noticed that some of the Simba and Eve mattresses mention they are good for dogs (am I being mad?!). Kingsize just me sleeping in it.


Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Melanie,

Great to hear from you about your potential mattress buying dilemma. I'm sure we can help you cut through some of the hype with online mattress shopping.

It sounds like the mattress you're on at the moment is more than like a cheap cage sprung or open coil mattress. Especially if it was given away with your mattress base. If you can turn these easily, due to their very light upholstery content and therefore lightweight character, then its probably a cage sprung. Squeeze the side and if you feel a metal bar then it definitely is and is one of the poorer mattress types out there.

For £500 you're going to be looking at an entry-level mattress. You should expect a springs/">basic pocket spring unit (Synthetic) or foam support system with synthetic man-made fibres on top of that at around 1000gsm (grams per square meter). We have a really detailed article here on what to expect from a £500 mattress that may help.

At your weight have a look at our Origins Pocket 1500 which is a similar price point to this and gives Casper, Emma and all those other boxed mattresses a real run for their money. (It's also two-sided so will theoretically last twice as long as one-sided models too!)

We hand make all our mattresses here in the UK in Yorkshire and don't resell through outlets. This is how we keep our prices low and quality standards extremely high. At £500 you're not going to be able to get any real natural fibre content as the fibres are simply too expensive for this price point. Man-made fibres are fine though and you're better getting more of those than a tiny amount of natural fibres.

How much to spend on a double mattress? What can I expect for my money?
Under £500 Will not get you much at best a 13.5 gauge open coil/cage sprung with a thin polyester layer or a solid foam mattress.
£500 Entry level spunbond springs with some form of synthetic upholstery. Usually one sided mattresses.
£750 The beginnings of a basic pocket springs unit with 800 – 1000 count. No substantial amount of filling other than foams and synthetic materials. Two sided models.
£1000 Should get you away from most low ranges and into the mid-range pocket spring models.
£1250 Should get you a decent pocket sprung mattress with some Natural Fibre content.
£1500 Should get you many manufacturers mid-range models with Natural Fibres
£1500-£2000 Should get you a Hand Made primarily Natural Fibre Quality Mattress
£2000+ You should expect 100% Natural Fibres and Traditional Hand Made Construction Method.
£5000+ A Bespoke Hand Made Sleep System, High-end Spring Units & Featuring the Worlds Most Luxurious Natural Fibres.

Personally, we would ignore any company that makes references to being good for dogs sleeping on your bed. In our experience, a dog will sleep pretty much anywhere and the mattress is for your benefit first and foremost.
Let us know what your thoughts are and if you need any more help!

All the best

John & Ryan

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