Composition of Origins Pocket 1500 mattress and natural fibre content
Can you tell me what ‘natural fibres’ are in the Origin Pocket 1500 mattress?
Hi Sarah,
Many thanks for your question on our Origins Pocket 1500 Mattress. It's one of our best sellers.
The Natural Fibre is 300GSM of Wool in the final top comfort layer. We list all the contents of our mattresses on each product listing. Below is a cutaway and the exact components of this mattress.
Origins Pocket 1500 Mattress
1: 300GSM WOOL
DEPTH: 30-33CM
Why do we list the grams per square meter of mattress upholstery?
We are one of the very few mattress retailers that will happily disclose down to the gram what's inside our hand made mattresses. This is because it's only with this information that you can accurately compare mattresses and see their suitability depending on your needs.
If you can't see what's inside a mattress you really are just guessing. We don't like having to guess and don't think our customers should either.
By fully understanding the layout and composition of your mattress you can work out how suitable it's going to be. You can also assess its value compared to other models by comparing the number of fillings. Below is a handy table explaining how various mattress fillings will feel (obviously if they are layered up then the overall feel and properties does change somewhat).
Upholstery Layer | Fibre Type | How it will feel? |
Polyester | Synthetic | Soft |
White Fibre | Synthetic | Soft/Medium |
Recycled Fibre / Eco Fibre | Synthetic | Medium |
Memory Foam | Synthetic | Medium/Firm |
Igel / Hybrid Foam | Synthetic | Medium/Firm |
Polycotton | Synthetic/Natural Blend | Soft/Medium |
Linen | Synthetic/Natural Blend | Medium |
Wool (Pure) | Natural | Soft/Medium |
Cotton (Pure) | Natural | Soft |
Silk | Natural | Soft |
Horsehair | Natural | Medium |
Mohair | Natural | Medium/Firm |
Hemp | Natural | Medium |
Latex (100% Natural) | Natural | Medium/Firm |
Coir | Natural | Firm |
Flax | Natural | Firm |
Coarse Cashmere | Natural | Firm |
Bamboo | Natural | Super Soft |
Horsetail | Natural | Firm |
Alpaca | Natural | Soft |
Cashmere (Pure) | Natural | Soft |
Vicuna | Natural | Super Soft |
Knowing the Spring Unit of a Mattress
It's not just mattress comfort layers that you need to fully understand but the pocket spring unit that's inside any mattresses you're considering buying. You need to know the gauge of the wire and the weight limit to know if it is suitable for your body weight.
The Origins Pocket 1500 mattress uses a 1.4 gauge spunbond pocket spring. Suitable for bodyweights up to 17 stone.
Springs are often missold as the 'feel' of the mattress. ie a firm spring equates to a firm feel mattress.
This, on the whole, is incorrect. The spring should only be chosen that to correspond to your bodyweight, as springs are manufactured with weight tolerances in mind, It's the upholstery that's layered on top of this that will give you the true feel of the mattress, ie soft, medium or firm.
Hopefully that helps give you some more detail to assist as you look for new mattresses.
If you have any further comments or questions please give our small friendly team a call on 0161 437 4419 or [email protected]
Sleep Well
John & Ryan
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