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For Dora at Trustpilot
1st March 2021

Enchanted House Devonia Mattress Review against Vispring and alternatives?

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Abbas Akbar


I am an owner of super king sized Vi Spring Bedstead superb mattress on top of a vi spring sovereign high base. I have a soft/Medium tension for me and my wife. I've enjoyed the mattress and find it supportive, but really want the top layer to be softer with a sinking feeling. So decided to upgrade and was looking at the Vi Spring Tiara Superb as one of their softest top layer mattresses. I was set to buy one when I came across the Enchanted House range.

Their background of locally sourced wool and impeccable build quality and materials got me intrigued. It looked like a mattress as good as, if not better than the vi spring but for half the price. Could it be? So I managed to get to try out a few and I was shocked at how good they were and how nice they felt when laid upon. I would say I could not tell the difference between their top Devonia mattress and the Vi Spring Magnificence.

In fact I was leaning towards the Devonia as it had a softer top layer. The fillings were almost identical with silk, horsetail, wool, cotton, cashmere. I found out the GSM was around 3400 on the Devonia with 3200 springs.

So in terms of materials, springs, build quality and feel have I found an equally great mattress for half the price or is there a catch? I can't seem to find any info or reviews on the mattresses online, however this could be because they are just 5 years old.

I wanted to get your opinion on the Enchanted House mattresses and whether you have heard of them being in the industry. Many Thanks

Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Abbas,

Many thanks for your comment on the Enchanted House mattress range. We haven't heard of them either but it may be due to their size as a small scale manufacturer. We keep our ear to the ground but haven't heard about them yet. It may be because they only sell via resellers and hotels too?

Smaller independent bed manufacturers, like ourselves, can offer more competitive prices. Why? Well, we don't spend millions on TV adverts, showrooms, sales staff and the like. This means we can keep our prices far more competitive. The same will apply to Enchanted House.

You've found the right way to compare mattresses which is by finding out the grams per square meter of all the fibres contained within. The Enchanted House mattress website doesn't disclose the GSM on the spring numbers (but not the gauges or encasements) which is a shame. However, it sounds like you've been able to find out directly from them? We wish all mattress manufacturers would actively disclose the exact contents of their models as we do for the benefit of consumers.

Vispring Devonshire Compared:

We've written extensively about Vispring mattress comparison models here on our site. The Devonshire is their softest model, but often gets criticized for settlement, given its primarily a wool mattress with little support from other fibres. That's one thing to bear in mind with any super soft mattress. The soft fibres still need some support to keep their loft from either horsetail or coir layers further down the mattress.

Mini Spring Concern:

The biggest concern we have with the mattress you're looking at is the spring count. There has been a huge marketing exercise in upping spring counts in mattresses to try and outcompete other manufacturers. The simple truth is that higher spring counts don't equate to higher quality. In fact, in more cases than not it involves swapping precious upholstery from the mattress comfort layers for row upon row of useless micro or mini springs.

For the most part mattresses with between 1000-2000 pocket springs are more than suitable. More attention to the metal and spring encasement, along with the spring tension (*which you should always pick based on your bodyweight is key).

Spring Tension Wire diameter (Gauge) Weight Range
Soft 1.2mm Bespoke Tension (Please Call)
Medium 1.4mm Upto 16 stone
Firm 1.6mm 16 stone plus
Extra Firm / Orthopaedic 1.9mm 20 stone plus

These micro springs are tiny and are used to simply inflate the spring count without bringing any benefit to you the consumer. After all who would opt for more metal in their mattress in lieu of natural fibres?! You read more on why you want to rethink huge spring counts here.

Comparisons to the Enchanted Devonia Mattress:

Given there's no exact breakdown of the mattress fibres in this mattress on their site we can only make a part comparison. Remembering that the way the fibres are layered and which order makes all the difference. Our softest feel mattress similar to the Vispring Devonshire and Enchanted Devonia is our Artisan Luxury mattress.
100% Natural this is our softest feel hand made mattress.

Featuring 4600GSM and 1476 calico encased vanadium coated pocket springs.

Artisan Luxury Mattress










We hope that helps and gives you further mattress buying guidance. If you have any more mattress related questions please get back in touch on [email protected] or 0161 437 4419.

Sleep well
John & Ryan

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