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For Dora at Trustpilot
8th September 2020

How to soften up half a mattress?

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Teresa Coakley

I have one of your John Ryan By Design beds . It’s the two singles joined together as a zip and link mattress.

My husband’s side has the medium mattress and mine the firm I think? I’m very happy with our bed!

Sometimes I wonder if my side is a bit too firm for me.

I’d be interested to know what sort of mattress topper would you suggest for our bed?
Many thanks

Lee Answered 11 months ago

Afternoon Teresa,

Great to hear from you again and we're so glad you're happy with your John Ryan mattress!

Zip and link mattresses are great for sleepers that have different weights or disturb each other during the night. This is because a zip link bed can be made in two different spring tensions. Meaning no compromise between the two of you. The fact it zips together also limits transference so less disturbance. Lastly, a zip and link is far easier to turn over so its win win!

Softening a mattress:

In terms of softening your side this can be easily done by adding a topper to one half of the mattress. Mattress toppers will never firm up a mattress only ever soften them. They also act as an excellent barrier to protect your mattress and can deepen comfort layers too.

If you both use sperate fitted bed sheets this is ideal. As you can just add a single topper to your side. For this purpose we would recommend a microfibre or goose down topper. This is because they are not as thick as our lovely soft sink 100% Natural latex toppers.

If you add a really thick topper you and your husband may notice a considerable height difference between the two sides of the mattress. Which you don't really want if you can help it.

If you do want a really thick topper then we would advise a one-piece that spans the entire width of the mattress. However, this would also soften up your husband's side which may make it too soft for him.

The softness of a mattress is always from the upholstery layers and never spring unit. So its tweaking and carefully selecting these that will help you find the perfect feel of a mattress. In your case, I believe a microfibre or goose down topper will enable you to tweak your side without too much fuss!

For other readers still trying to find the perfect mattress the following table on mattress comfort layers may be helpful in selecting your new mattress.

Upholstery Layer Fibre Type How it will feel?
Polyester Synthetic Soft
White Fibre Synthetic Soft/Medium
Recycled Fibre / Eco Fibre Synthetic Medium
Memory Foam Synthetic Medium/Firm
Igel / Hybrid Foam Synthetic Medium/Firm
Polycotton Synthetic/Natural Blend Soft/Medium
Linen Synthetic/Natural Blend Medium
Wool (Pure) Natural Soft/Medium
Cotton (Pure) Natural Soft
Silk Natural Soft
Horsehair Natural Medium
Mohair Natural Medium/Firm
Hemp Natural Medium
Latex (100% Natural) Natural Medium/Firm
Coir Natural Firm
Flax Natural Firm
Coarse Cashmere Natural Firm
Bamboo Natural Super Soft
Horsetail Natural Firm
Alpaca Natural Soft
Cashmere (Pure) Natural Soft
Vicuna Natural Super Soft

We hope that helps Teresa and if you have any more mattress related questions please get back in touch on [email protected] or 0161 437 4419.
Sleep well
John & Ryan

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