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For Dora at Trustpilot
28th May 2020

Kozee Sleep Valentino Mattress Comparison and Advice

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Howard Leberman

I am after a small double to replace a Kozee Sleep Valentino 1200 pocket sprung mattress - really comfortable. I want something similar in firmness. This is for my daughter - around 55 kg in weight. What do you recommend?
Small doubles are 120 cm width, but actually, I want a mattress which is 110 cm width. Is this possible and what would the price difference between 120 and 110 cm be?
Also, on ordering, how long before delivery?
Thanks for your help.

Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Howard,

Many thanks for your question. There's unfortunately very little detail on the Kozee Sleep Valentino 1200 mattress online. I think it's probably been discontinued. We have found the following from our archives.

  • 1200 Pocket Springs
  • Simulated side stitching
  • Luxury elastane panels
  • Wool, cotton, polyester fillings
  • Turnable mattress
  • Manufacturer    KoZEESLEEP

Looking at the price point of this mattress being around £350 for a double it really does place this as an entry-level model. The natural fibres will be the bare minimum as this price point simply won't allow anything other than synthetic fibres. We explain how to assess the components of a mattress in our handy video below which may help.

Origins Pocket 1500 Mattress:
The first model to look at based on your daughter's weight for a medium feel mattress would be our Origins Pocket 1500 mattress.

It's two-sided and contains:

  • 300GSM WOOL
  • TOTAL 1550GSM
  • 30-33CM

This model can be made in any standard size but not in a bespoke size.

Custom sized mattresses:

If you need a custom-sized mattress to be made then we can offer this in our Artisan Luxury Mattress Range. These are true natural fibre models which feature a variety of handcrafted techniques and details.

In this range, we would recommend you look at the Artisan Tailored Pocket for your daughter for a true medium feel. For bespoke sizes, there's an additional 10% on the regular-sized price. So for your bespoke double, it would be the listed price plus 10%. There is also no love it or return it on bespoke models, but the guarantee still applies.

It's useful to know what to expect for your budget so below is an easy guide to assist.

How much to spend on a double mattress? What can I expect for my money?
Under £500 Will not get you much at best a 13.5 gauge open coil/cage sprung with a thin polyester layer or a solid foam mattress.
£500 Entry level spunbond springs with some form of synthetic upholstery. Usually one sided mattresses.
£750 The beginnings of a basic pocket springs unit with 800 – 1000 count. No substantial amount of filling other than foams and synthetic materials. Two sided models.
£1000 Should get you away from most low ranges and into the mid-range pocket spring models.
£1250 Should get you a decent pocket sprung mattress with some Natural Fibre content.
£1500 Should get you many manufacturers mid-range models with Natural Fibres
£1500-£2000 Should get you a Hand Made primarily Natural Fibre Quality Mattress
£2000+ You should expect 100% Natural Fibres and Traditional Hand Made Construction Method.
£5000+ A Bespoke Hand Made Sleep System, High-end Spring Units & Featuring the Worlds Most Luxurious Natural Fibres.

All our mattresses are hand made and take 4 weeks from order to delivery.

If you need any more help please get back in touch so we can assist on 0161 437 4419

All the best
John & Ryan

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