Looking to replace.
What should I be looking for in a new mattress - preferably natural fibre/pocket springs? I am 5 feet 4" - weigh 10 stone. Had not been aware prior to reading info on your site that a single mattress will feel firmer than a double, etc - there was no single to try in-store, only a 5 foot. (Which I 'visited' x3 for 15-min lie-on each time) Since receipt of single end of Sept have found it much firmer/too firm, thus uncomfortable, too narrow (still domed in the middle!). 90 cm is NOT 3 feet - measurement also includes the side seams, which is not part of the sleeping surface, thus making that even smaller. A clear cheat for sure. Harrison Spinks/Somnus no return policy, claim the spring tension is correct thus no fault - situation now in the hands of the Ombudsman. Meanwhile, I am looking for another bed ? should opt for a 4 ' - don't want to make another expensive mistake. Also looking to go for a bedstead rather than another divan. Your Artisan range sounds interesting...
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