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For Dora at Trustpilot
26th October 2021

Mattress Inspection Advice on faulty mattresses & beds

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Rebecca Wilkinson

I would like some advice on a Hypnos Bedstead Six mattress. I bought it new two months ago along with a new Hypnos platform divan base. After two months, the mattress has sagged badly. I'm not getting a full nights sleep on it and I'm waking around 4-5am with pain in my shoulders and hips. Lack of sleep is really affecting my health now.

I laid my mop over the mattress and measured the sagging to range between 3cm-5.5cm deep, under my shoulders and hips.

Hypnos sent a technician out and I was somewhat surprised at the process as I was expecting a thorough examination of the issues I am facing.

He arrived here and took a look at the mattress. Without prompting from me, he said he could tell by the visible sagging that I was sleeping on the mattress alone and that it had been rotated regularly. I confirmed he was correct.

He laid a piece of string across the mattress in two areas, which avoided the sagging areas, then took measurements using a tatty piece of card propped up. However these were from areas of the mattress with no sagging, so naturally they show there is no problem with the mattress.

He lay on his back down the centre of the mattress and said it felt fine and there was no sagging. I asked him to move over to the area with the visible sagging. His body noticeably sunk and he said that did seem to be a problem, then backtracked and said that was normal wear and tear for a year old mattress. I said it was two months old. He said it was delivered to me on the 14th November 2020 and I must have had nearly a years use out of it. I confirmed it was ordered in August and delivered to me on the 17th August, so it was only two months old but I did notice that the mattress has a manufacturing date of 20th September 2020 on it.

I asked if he could remeasure the area where the sagging is worst but he refused to do that and claimed there’s nothing wrong with the mattress based on his initial calculations. He said it was my fault for sleeping in a double bed and I’d be better off with a single, then said he was in a rush to get through his calls and left.

The whole process took about five minutes and was clearly engineered to write a report in Hypnos favour.

I bought a new mattress expecting a comfortable and restful nights sleep. I cannot sleep on this mattress due to the sagging. It’s not supporting my body and I’m waking every night in the early hours with pain in my shoulders and back. It’s not fit for purpose.

The retailer has stood by the "independent" report and said there is nothing wrong with the mattress and nothing they can do. I've had no further response from Hypnos.

Can you offer any advice on what to do next? I've spent almost £1000 on this mattress expecting a comfortable nights sleep, but I'm not getting one.

Lee Answered 6 months ago

Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for your question on faulty mattress inspections. We're sorry to hear you feel you've been left in the lurch by Hypnos with the mattress inspection service you've had. It certainly sounds very frustrating for you once you've reported a potential fault you quite rightly want it to be taken seriously.

We take any reports of our mattresses very seriously and use Homeserve as our independent mattress inspector. They're recommended by the National Bed Federation. They actually find in favour of the customer around 50% of the time based on their stats.

We take great pride in our mattresses and have a very small failure rate but an independent inspector is always a good idea. Most mattress faults are in our experience due to:

  • Density Loss
  • Uneven Fillings
  • Broken Springs
  • Stitching Failure
  • Poor user maintenance ie not turning or neglect (which is avoidable and a not a manufacturing fault)

Most of which are rare with quality mattress manufacture. Most are found in mass-produced synthetic models.
Poor maintenance is when some bed users fail to turn or look after their mattresses. It's rare as most do want to look after their considered mattress purchase.

What we would advise with your faulty Hypos mattress is to pay for your own independent inspector, either Homeserve or one of the other NBF or Furniture ombudsmen approved technicians. Then you can counter Hypnos with your report if it differs from them. That's the best way to approach Hypnos rather than getting stuck in a never-ending email loop with some contact centre.

We understand it can be frustrating when things go wrong and your retailer doesn't want to help. However, a follow-up report would probably assist you in knowing whether the faults are correct or not.

After you've done that maybe get back in touch with us for replacement mattress advice once you have the outcome from Hypnos.

If you have any more questions please get back in touch with us on 0161 437 4419.

All the best
John & Ryan

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