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For Dora at Trustpilot
10th July 2019

Mattress made without synthetic foam

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Herbert Klein

Will you make this or similar mattress without any synthetic foam?

Julie Answered 11 months ago

Hi Herbert,

Thank you for contacting us regarding foam mattresses.

It would help me in recommending a mattress for you, if you could let me know which foam mattress you have been looking at.

Our Hybrid range of mattresses are made of synthetic foam and are very much like memory foam in as much as they will mould to your body shape but our mattresses are less heat retentive and much more responsive.

However as you require a mattress that does not contain synthetic foam, we have launched this week, a new mattress which is in our Artisan Range, The Artisan latex, and is a 100% plant based class="" >natural fibre mattress containing Cotton, Latex, Flax & Coir.   This is a two sided mattress which means that it can be turned over and rotated which will allow the mattress to settle evenly.   It contains 3cm of Talalay Latex on each side which is a 60/40 blend and will give you an overall medium comfort from those top layers.  The mattress is not just suitable for vegans but anyone who is sensitive or allergic to animal fibres.  Plant fibres are really environmentally friendly, providing they are harvested from sustainable plantations, they help reduce co2 and you can harvest far more fibre per metre squared than compared to animals.


If I can be of assistance to you with regard to the type of mattress you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0161 437 4419.

Kind regards Julie

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