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For Dora at Trustpilot
6th August 2020

Mattress suitable for a person with Fybromyalgia

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Susan Bond

I have fibromyalgia and spend over 22 hours a day in and on my bed. Yep it sucks I have the problem that because I spend the daytime sort of sitting in bed against a bank of pillows a little higher than when I lay down to sleep on my side over time I get a big dip where my bottom is during the day which is at my waist/hip when I sleep which is so uncomfortable so I have to get a new mattress to start with a flat surface and so the cycle begins again. Can you recommend a mattress that will stand up to my sitting longer before the big hole forms?
Many thanks Sue x

Michaela Long Answered 11 months ago

Hi Susan,
Thank you for your enquiry. Sorry to hear you are suffering with your current situation.  Standard domestic mattresses are not designed to be used for this length of time on a daily basis. They are designed to be used nightly with the people using the mattress lying down flat, their body weight is then dispersed over a larger surface area of the mattress. Then the mattress is allowed to rest during the day.
When people use the mattress for sitting on for long periods of time, such as watching tv, reading or playing computer games, this puts extra undue pressure upon the internal springs and upholstery, this then in turn will create hollows and dips in the mattress upholstery layers that are much more severe than if the mattress is just used for sleeping.
If you require a mattress that needs to be used in the above manner then this is a specialised product. You require a mattress that is regarded as a health bed or medical grade quality as these are designed for the purpose you are using your current mattress for.
There are lots of companies that do supply medical grade mattresses that are available online. I am sorry I can not be of any further assistance at this time.
Kind Regards

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