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For Dora at Trustpilot
2nd March 2019

Suitable mattress for someone with horsehair allergy

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B Bamford

After testing out comparable Vispring mattresses and spending ages reading all the helpful information on your website, myself and my husband had pretty much settled on the Artisan Bespoke 004. However we’ve just realised that as my husband is really really allergic to horses, the horsehair in this mattress might possibly cause some problems. Could you offer any advise on how we could get around this? Is there another very similar mattress without horsehair - we wondered about the Artisan Naturals instead?
Husband is a 14st side sleeper, and I’m 9st back and side sleeper, and we wanted something that felt pretty supportive but with a slight softness on top.
Thank you very much!

Amy Woolley Answered 11 months ago

Hi B Bamford,

Thank you for your question.

If you have tried the Vi Spring Regal Superb and liked the feel our comparable models are the Artisan Bespoke 004 and the Artisan Naturals. The Bespoke 004 is the closest in feel to the Regal Superb however as you have quite rightly said, this model contains Horse hair whereas the Naturals does not.

The Artisan Naturals is our most popular, unbeatable model with 85% natural fibres. Containing a huge GSM of fillings, including wool and mohair, on a Calico Pocket spring unit. This medium feel hand crafted mattress is where we stake our reputation as ‘The Mattress Specialists’. The Naturals is described as the 'true medium' of the Artisan Range. 


[recommended-product post="627281"]

John Ryan By Design Artisan Naturals Vi Spring Regal Superb
1 1200gsm Blended British Fleece Wool and Cotton. 900gsm Blended real Shetland Isle Fleece Wool and Cotton
2 Hairproof Cambric Cover Hairproof Cambric Cover
3 1250gsm Rebound Poly Cotton 1200gsm long stranded Horsetail blended with British Fleece Wool
4 1500gsm 100% Pure Mohair 1000gsm Bonded British Fleece Wool and Cotton
5 1600 Calico encased Pocket Springs [ 49mm ] [1.28mm ] 1720 Calico encased Pocket Springs [48mm ] [1.28mm ]
Total GSM 3950gsm 3100gsm

If you are still interested in purchasing the Artisan Bespoke 004 you can always look in to purchasing a mattress encasement from a company called Allersafe.

I hope this information helps, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the office on 0161 437 4419.

Kind regards,

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