What do you have that compares to Salus Memory Pocket?
You have an excellent web-site (both the contemporary and non-contemporary one). I am looking for an equivalent of the Salus Memory Pocket 1500. My wife and I have slept on this mattress numerous times at my wife's parent's and really like it. It is available here: http://www.bestpricebeds.co.uk/salus-memory-pocket-1500-divan-bed-pid4816.html On your page here, you say that you have a FEPS: https://johnryanbydesign.co.uk/understanding-beds/what-are-encapsulated-pocket-springs-2/ I just can't find it on your website anywhere!
Can you point me to the right place on your web-page for your FEPS, and a similar product to the Salus Memory Pocket?
Will also call you to discuss further. thanks.
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