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For Dora at Trustpilot
27th March 2019

Which mattresses would be best for me and my wife?

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A customer asked

Hi we made the mistake of buying a cheap silent night mattress last year, my son likes to use it as a trampoline which has caused him to damage him. It sags in the middle now leaving us with a terrible night sleep.
We decided to have a look in benson for beds and they popped us on a machine which told us we need a mattress with a rating of 3. All was going well until the sales person started to push us in to buying the most expensive mattress there.
I stumbled on you're website when I was looking at reviews for hybrid mattresses. My wife was looking at getting the otty hybrid due to all its which awards its won.
I sleep on my back and normally end up on my side. My wife is a side sleeper. We both way about 13 stone.

What matress would you recommend
Many thanks
Ps you're website is fantastic

Michaela Long Answered 11 months ago

Hi Lee,

Thank you for your question.

With your body weights, we would pair you both with a medium spring tension to give you the correct level of support.

Bodyweight Spring tension
Upto 16 Stone / 50-101kg Medium (1.4mm)
16 Stone / 101kg Upwards Firm (1.6mm)
Available in Bespoke Products (Please Call) Soft (1.2mm)

We would not recommend anything too firm in the comfort layers for anyone who sleeps on their side as this can cause pressure pains in the shoulders, hips and knees. Anything too soft when sleeping on your back can cause your hips to misalign. The best compromise would be a mattress with medium upholstery.  I would recommend the Origins Pocket 1500 which has medium synthetic upholstery and a medium spring tension as standard and comes with a 3-year guarantee.

[recommended-product post="627306"]

If your budget can stretch to it, also have a look at the Artisan Naturals which has a similar feel but is constructed with 85% natural fibres and has calico pocketed springs and comes with a 10-year guarantee.

I hope this is helpful and if you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact the office on 0161 437 4419.

Kind Regards

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