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For Dora at Trustpilot
6th January 2019

Will I experience the humpback bridge effect with a Zip & Link?

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Please can you tell me if zip and link mattresses on a Superking bed would in time end up with that hump back bridge feel in the middle where the two edges meet?

Amy Woolley Answered 11 months ago

Hi Loraine,
Thank you for your question.
I cannot say that this is a common problem that we come across with Zip and Link mattresses. 'The hump back bridge effect' does tend to be a regular problem caused when using a Sprung slatted base, this is why we would always recommend our customers to board over the slats using a 3-5mm piece of MDF or Plywood giving the mattress a uniform surface to sit on. 
MDF sheets on Slatted base
One problem we do occasionally find is that some people who may be sensitive to mattress tufting also feel the join where the two mattresses zip together, however usually once you place a mattress protector and a top sheet over your mattress you do not notice the join. If this did become problematic for yourself, placing a mattress topper on top of your mattress will eliminates the problem.
There are plenty of benefits to opting for a Zip and Link mattress especially when choosing a Super King size. A mattress of this size can be difficult to gain access to an individuals property but if you have two single size mattress that zip together to make a full super king size it gives our courier team easy access and enables them to assemble the mattress in the room of your choice. Also each side of the bed is entirely independent of each other, thereby totally eliminating ‘roll together’. It’s also an ideal solution for users of significant differing body weights one-half can utilise a firm tension spring for example and the other half can be soft tension spring.
One thing to consider when using zipped mattresses in a bed frame, you will have to ensure the enclosure is slightly bigger than the intended Mattress size. For example, a well built 6′ zipped mattress is about 6′ and 2 inches.
I hope this information helps but if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to give the office a call on 0161 437 4419.
Kind regards,

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