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For Dora at Trustpilot

Sleep & Well Being

October 2018

Enjoy An Extra Hour of Sleep As The Clocks Go Back Sunday!

At John Ryan, we’re fascinated by the science of sleep, and we believe getting a great night’s rest isn’t an indulgence, it’s a crucial necessity – but that doesn’t mean you can’t feel indulgent when you drift off on a supportive and comfortable Luxury Mattress. As mattress geeks we have spent the last 13 years developing the UK’s finest mattresses stuffed to the brim with comforting fibres.

Thankfully, we’ll all soon be able to enjoy an extra hour’s worth of soothing sleep, starting from this Saturday night as Daylight Saving Time ends, and we switch from British Summer Time (BST) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). As the lighter mornings and darker evenings set in, we’ll all get to benefit from the small boost of sleep each night.

But how important is it to get enough shut-eye every night? And can one extra hour really make that much difference to you?

Taking sleep seriously for a healthier lifestyle

Many of us lead busy lives and are constantly trying to keep up with hectic schedules, therefore sleep is often devalued and the lack of it soon gets accepted as normal. But sleep should never be considered a hindrance. In fact, getting a good restful sleep so that you’re well rested in the mornings, is absolutely essential to our brain power and overall health.


There are many benefits to getting that much needed sleep on a regular basis, including:

  • Stronger overall alertness and concentration.
  • Higher productivity and performance.
  • Enhanced athletic performance, with improved speed, accuracy, and reaction times.
  • More successful weight control, with a more balanced appetite.
  • Improved memory retention.
  • Better mental wellbeing, in terms of positive emotions and stronger social interactions.
  • A more functional and effective immune system.
  • Lowered stress and anxiety levels.

All of these potential health boosting benefits are jeopardised by sleep deprivation, and poor sleepers are also at greater risk of illness, such as heart disease or a stroke. Cutting your sleep hours down to 4 hours on a regular basis can also affect blood sugar and reduce insulin sensitivity, which can lead to symptoms of pre-diabetes.

More sleep is something to celebrate

Since the majority of us don’t get enough sleep as it is, that one extra little hour can have a big impact on both your health and the quality of your life. As adults, we need around 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night, and getting less than this is often linked to fatigue, a short attention span and general crankiness.

sleep and health

Even the smallest boost to the amount of sleep we get has been associated with an improved memory and an increased learning capacity. This because another 60 minutes of sleep can increase your brain capacity, so that you can more easily retain information throughout the day. Extra time sleeping can also help you to better regulate your sleep cycle, which will ensure that you’re getting the optimum amount rest for that nice gentle wake up.

Research by the Royal Society for Public Health has revealed that the majority of people under sleep by about an hour each night, with the average person in the UK getting 6.8 hours. So, it’s clearly more important that ever for us all to start sleeping better. Along with nutrition and exercise, taking care of your sleep should be a pillar for achieving a long and healthy lifestyle

Don’t forget – Daylight Saving Time ends at 2am on Sunday morning, meaning you can start savouring that extra hour in bed before the weekend’s out!

Sleep soundly with John Ryan

Achieving better physical and mental health means investing in some sweet slumber, and that’s what we’re all about at John Ryan.

John Ryan Legacy York Stone Grey UK Natural Mattress Set 5

We understand that in order for you to sleep soundly and truly experience the very best comfort and support, you’ll need a high quality mattress that’s tailored to your needs. From size to spring tension, we can guide you through all the little details that matter the most, so that you can rest easy, each and every night.  

To find out more, or if you have any questions, please get in touch with us on 0161 437 4419.

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