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Mattress Tips

June 2024

Tips for Getting a Newborn to Sleep: Establishing a Healthy Routine

Sleep is absolutely essential for a newborn's growth and development. In those first few months, babies spend the majority of their time sleeping – up to 17 hours per day! This allows their little bodies to conserve energy for periods of wakefulness while facilitating processes like cell production, hormone regulation, and brain development.

Establishing a consistent sleep routine early on can have invaluable benefits for the entire family and, from the parents’ perspective, a newborn on a healthy sleep schedule allows for much-needed breaks to recharge!

sleeping baby astronaut

Newborn Sleep Patterns

Unlike adults who experience longer periods of uninterrupted sleep, newborns sleep in short cycles of active and quiet sleep. These cycles normally last between 30-60 minutes before the baby briefly wakes or enters a light sleep stage. This pattern is perfectly normal and is a reflection of the neurological development happening during this phase. 

There are several reasons why newborns sleep differently than adults. Firstly, their sleep-wake cycles are guided more by biological needs like hunger rather than environmental cues. They also lack a mature circadian rhythm – the internal clock that regulates the sleep-wake cycle in older babies and adults. This irregularity makes it difficult for newborns to remain asleep for extended time periods.

While it may seem like all they do is sleep, they require numerous nap periods throughout the day to achieve the 14-17 hours of sleep that their developing bodies and brains demand.

Guidelines for Napping and Establishing a Bedtime Routine

Frequent napping is so important for newborns. In fact, most experts suggest aiming for 7 to 9 naps over 24 hours, lasting anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours for the first few months. 

The first step is to create a calm and consistent nap environment to help cue your baby’s body to fall asleep more easily. Close the blinds and curtains and use dim lighting. Then adjust the temperature of the room so it is comfortable. Babies sleep best in a slightly cooler environment around 20 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Next, reduce any outside noise by closing windows and doors. If you want to cool down the room, you can use a small fan, which also creates a soothing white noise effect that can help your baby sleep.

Finally, be mindful of overstimulation before naptime by limiting active playtime and family visits beforehand. 

Navigating the brief wake periods between your newborn’s sleep cycles during naps can be tricky. If they wake up after 30-45 minutes but appear still drowsy, try soothing techniques like swaddling, gentle rocking or patting before feeding. This should help them to resettle into the next sleep cycle.

Other tips for smoothing nap transitions include being responsive to early sleep cues like yawning or eye-rubbing. Try not to let your baby get overtired, and keep nap routines simple and consistent by following the same pre-nap ritual like changing into sleepwear, or playing soft lullabies.

Examples of Bedtime Routines

Bath time: A bath can be very soothing for babies and helps signal it’s time to wind down for sleep. Use a gentle baby wash and keep the water warm but not too hot. The warmth and light massage from being lathered can relax tense muscles.

Feeding: Whether nursing or bottle-feeding, using this as the next step in the bedtime routine helps to satisfy a baby’s hunger. Having that skin to skin contact also reinforces a sense of security for them. 

Soothing activities: Quiet singing or humming, swaddling or a few minutes of baby massage with lotion. 

mother feeding bottle to baby

Common Sleep Challenges

Even if you establish the best bedtime routine and create the perfect environment for sleep, as a new parent you will still face newborn sleep challenges, as distractions are to be expected! However, there are ways to navigate them…

Dealing with nighttime awakenings

It’s developmentally appropriate for newborns to wake multiple times overnight to feed in those early months. While this is absolutely exhausting for parents, this is normal and it allows the baby to get nutrition from feeding at night. Have your sleep routine and soothing techniques ready, but avoid excessive stimulation overnight. Feed, change nappies if needed, and get the baby straight back to sleep!

Handling sleep regressions

Just when you think you’ve got a handle on your newborn’s sleep patterns, they may suddenly start waking early from naps, or experiencing disruptions at bedtime. This is normally a sign of sleep regression: temporary sleep disturbance due to their bodies literally developing. If this happens, stay consistent with your routines and the regression should resolve within a week or two.

Difficulties staying asleep

Some newborns really struggle to settle into sleep mode from the start or have periods of restlessness overnight despite clearly being exhausted. Swaddling, white noise, rocking, and using a dummy can help soothe them. Adjust daytime awake periods if your little one seems overtired. If they’re waking up frequently, consider moving feedings closer together temporarily.

Most importantly, trust that this phase is temporary and your efforts in creating positive sleep habits will pay off as they grow.

Don’t forget your own comfort!

Those late nights and early morning wake-up calls from a newborn can really start to take a toll! Prioritise your own rest as well , so you have the energy and patience to do your best as a parent. 

A comfortable mattress can significantly impact your sleep quality during this exhausting season. If you’re waking up feeling sore and unrested, it may be time to invest in a new, high-quality mattress. Look for one that provides proper spinal alignment and reduces pressure points so you can sleep soundly through the night despite the baby’s demands.

A handmade pocket spring Artisan Naturals mattress

At John Ryan we understand just how important good sleep is, especially for new parents. That’s why our luxury mattresses are designed to deliver optimal comfort and support. Our mattresses are handmade with premium materials like natural latex and plush foams that cradle your body’s curves, so you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated instead of achy and groggy! And with our risk-free 60-day love it or leave it trial period, you can experience the difference a great mattress makes before fully committing.

So, give yourself the rest you deserve by investing in a mattress that will have you and your partner waking up ready to tackle each day as new parents.

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