Straight forward mattress advice please
Hi - I read your website with interest. My wife and I bought a Silentnight pocketsprung mattress with memory foam top (stipulation must be 'firm') - about 3 years ago - from ANOther company. Cost £significant (circa 400-500), It is now completely knackered - can feel all the springs - and both our backs are killing - we are suffering awful sleep (add to that toddler and baby and you get the picture). Of course it is out of warranty!
About right in the this disposable world. And now - we are tight for money compared with 3 yrs ago (recession plus kids saw to that). I cannot help feel that all this mattress speak is a load of tosh. I just want a firm mattress (I like the outdoors and camping - and frankly find a mat on the floor the most blissful sleep). I would like someone to say -"I'm not going to bore you with all the manufacturers marketing flannel -or the difference between pockets and wadding and all that cr*p - just buy this one". Firm - and stop backaches. .
+Hi Steve.
How's this.
Tell me your bodyweights.
Tell me how much you are willing to spend (within £50) and I can give you an answer.
Your bodyweight is KEY.
What would be firm for you (say 12st) would be soft to someone of 18st.
See the dilemma?
£500 for a mattress is not that much.
The overall build quality can only be of a certain standard but the collective choice from all manufacturers is huge because this is the overall average price paid for a mattress.
I thoroughly understand (and sense) your frustration but if you give me the answers to the questions above I will be able to show you what we can offer and also give you alternatives from other retailers - No Flannel or Cr*p.
Hows That?
John and Ryan.
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