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For Dora at Trustpilot
27th November 2015

question about the video comparison.

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Ok so i came across your website whilst studying about mattresses so i can make the best decision I can. What originally lead me here was the article regarding known scams within your industry. this was all noted and then i realised you were not only offering advise but you are selling your own brand of mattress. One question I have is having watched the video where you cut down 2 mattresses. one is the brand name silent night and the other is a one of a small hand made quality. You show the difference and that the silent night mattress actually has springs all connected inside where as the hand made one has pocket springs. So is this video implying that if i buy a top brand mattress they are going to tell me it is pocket springs and in actual fact it isnt? OR was the comparison not a very good comparison as it shows a pocket sprung mattress vs a brand name coil spring mattress?

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