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For Dora at Trustpilot
14th August 2019

Mattress is too heavy to flip over

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Pam williams

At age 80 it is becoming more difficult to flip out mattress we bought from you . Have you any suggestions for a lighter alternative? Also our king size mattress has a medium and a soft side so can’t be rotated. The soft side has become rather too soft while the other side is fine any suggestions?

Julie Answered 6 months ago

Hi Pam,
Thank you for your question and we are sorry that you are finding the mattress too heavy to flip over.
The only solution for this would be to have a zip & link mattress which when unzipped are two separate mattresses which can be flipped over more easily than a one piece mattress.  
I have checked your Order with us and you purchased the Artisan 1500 kingsize mattress - soft/medium tension.  This mattress gives you a medium overall comfort meaning the mattress is neither too soft nor to firm.  I would therefore recommend our Origins Pocket 1500 Kingsize zip & link mattress as this will then give you 2 x 2ft 6in wide mattresses which will make it a lot easier for you to maintain. This mattress again will give you an overall medium comfort from the top upholstery layers and comes with a medium spring tension. As the soft spring tension in your existing mattress has soften down too much, a medium spring tension would be far better for you.  The Origins Pocket 1500 is also not as heavy as the Artisan 1500 due to the fillings contained therein.
[recommended-product post="627306"]
I hope the above information is of assistance to you, however, please do not hesitate to telephone me should you require further advice on 0161 437 4419.
Kind regards Julie

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