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For Dora at Trustpilot
16th May 2016

Princess and the pea type difficulty

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Thank you Mike for your answer of 5th of May https://johnryanbydesign.co.uk/understanding-beds/question/hybrid-foam-mattress-smell-similar-memory-foam/
Now I have spent so much time trying mattresses I am no longer sure what I need, but I know I had a JL Ultimate, medium in 2000 that was the best mattress ever and only got soft after 9 or 10 years so I did have to replace it. Since then I have not been able to find a good mattress and the Ultimate is basically so unaffordable (between £ 2,600 to 8,000).
So I am asking whether your natural fibre spring mattresses such the Artisan are able to conceal the feel of the springs, this I found is the main problem I currently have with many spring mattresses I tried, I am looking at medium firm, since my husband and I are between 84 and 86 kg, he is slightly heavier, and we only have a double bed, he has back problems, and I have a controlled generalised inflammatory arthritis, it has to be comfortable but not too soft not too hard. I know it is not an easy question to answer but I have read a review that says the padding rapidly felt flat in an Artisan Luxury in soft tension, although this review is from 2014. So I wonder if you could advise what would be the strategy to avoid this since we are both heavy sleepers.
Thank you

JohnRyanLtd Answered 10 months ago

Hi Alicia,

The Artisan Luxury, while being available in soft, medium and firm spring tensions, does have the softest upholstery layers and with your body weights and previous preference, is not a product that I would recommend for you. When selecting a mattress, you need to find the spring tension that will provide support and then upholstery layers that will provide comfort. If the right product is selected, you should not experience flattening of the upholstery layers. As far as the review from 2014 is concerned, without knowing who the customer was it is difficult to comment as to why they experienced such issues. It could well have been that the body weights advised were conservatively estimated and may not have been as accurate as required for us to match them to the product. It could also be that the customer had additional medical issues which are not disclosed in that review. Any naturally filled mattress will settle over time, but that does not mean that you will feel the spring unit contained therein.


Artisan Bespoke 004 mattress

Please view the Artisan Naturals or the Artisan Bespoke 004, both of which can be selected with a medium spring tension, which is ideal for your body weights and both of which have comfortable upholstery layers. The difference between the two is that the Naturals has 85% natural upholstery and the 004 has 100%.


Once you have viewed these products, if you require any further advice or guidance, please call our office on 0161 437 4419.

Kind Regards

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