Recommended spring tension for 6ft 5, 17,1/2 stone person.
Hi, I'm thinking about the Artisan Bespoke mattress. I like a firm feeling mattress but having spoken to Julie she says I'm borderline medium spring. confused..
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your enquiry.
We are sorry that you are confused by the advice you have been given. With your body weight and height, the spring tension you ought to be looking at is medium because your weight is spread over a larger area that say a person of average height (5'9" - 5'11"), who we might advise needed a firm spring. The spring tension needs to be able to support your body weight. The comfort/feel of the mattress is provided by the upholstery layers.
In the Artisan Bespoke, those upholstery layers provide a firmer feel in the top layers irrespective of what spring tension is opted for and this is where we think your confusion is coming from.
In addition, placing this mattress on a solid platform base, will also make the mattress feel slightly firmer than it would on a sprung base.
We trust that this clarifies the position for you, but if you have any further queries, please call our office on 0161 437 4419, kind regards.
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