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For Dora at Trustpilot
19th November 2018

6st Osteoarthritis sufferer looking to find comfortable mattress

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Judith Herdman

Hello, I need some advice and hoping to Odin you can help me. I'm under 6 stones in weight and have Osteoarthritis so severe, my pain medication is five times stronger than Morphine. I can only sleep on my side or back, with 3-4 minutes on my stomach. My pelvis was cleanly snapped in half on a 45 degree angle, which is what caused my amputation, and so you can imagine I have a lot of physical pain with my hip, pelvis, back and neck. I've never in all my years been able to find a suitable mattress. I've tried memory foam, but my lack of weight doesn't make memory foam respond and I'm lost with all of this gel, latex, geltex, hybrid...
Could you please advise me as to what type of mattress and tension would be best, please? Thank you so much in advance.

Julie Answered 11 months ago

Hi Judith,
Thank you for your question.
I am so sorry to hear how uncomfortable you have been when sleeping.
Unfortunately there is nothing in our range that would be suitable for you as you need something that is incredibly soft due to your body weight and health issues and which will mould to your body shape to give you the comfort/relief you need. 
I would however suggest looking at a Company called Latexsense who make very soft natural latex mattresses which should hopefully give you the relief you require.  I would suggest that you telephone this Company and explain the position whereupon hopefully they will be able to assist you.
I hope that you do find what you are looking for but if we can assist you further, please do not hesitate to telephone our office on 0161 437 4419.
Kind regards Julie

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