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For Dora at Trustpilot
17th February 2015

Considering Tempur Original 27 mattress

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A customer asked

Hi Firstly, thank you for such an informative website about mattresses. We are thinking of getting the Tempur Original 27 Super King as both of us enjoy a firm mattress. However, after reading other reviews and your comments, I am thinking twice about it and would like some advice. I am a hot sleeper and am afraid that the foam mattress might not be suitable. Please can you let me know if you have got a comparable mattress that might suit us. Also, is it possible to try on any of your mattresses before purchase?

Thank you.

Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Juliana,

Thanks for your question.

If you are concerned about heat then I would shy away from heat retentive foams like memory foam.

I'd need to know your weights to offer advice on a mattress and tension.

A number of people think they want a firm support mattress but in practice theres very few people that actually get on with a really solid firm bed.

You need a mix of support and comfort.

Too firm and you're body is having to contour to the mattress when it should be the mattress contouring to you!

We do have a firm latex mattress in our fusion 4 with 80kg density but if you can get in touch I can provide some tailored advice to help you. 0161 437 4419

Fusion 4 Dunlopillo Celeste
Cover Micro-quilt John Ryan Cover with tape edged damask sides 2cm quilted cover with Actipro
1 5cm 100% 70kg Natural Latex NA
2 18cm 100% 80kg Natural Latex 19cm Latex (Density & blend unknown)
Total Depth 23cm + 3-5 cm for the quilted cover 21cm

We also offer a 60 day love it or return it guarantee, so you will never be stuck with a bed you don't love!


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