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For Dora at Trustpilot
11th September 2020

Dual firmness mattress options explained

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Jeffrey Kinchin

I'm 18 st and prefer a firm/very firm mattress. My partner likes medium/soft bed and shes 13st 7.

Can you make suggestions for the best mattress for these two different mattress feels?



Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Jeffrey,

Many thanks for your question on dual tension mattresses. It's a common question where two sleepers need two separate spring tensions and possibly two different feeling beds. Let's address spring tension first.

Spring tensions are based purely on your body weight and not the end 'feel' of the mattress. The spring wire gauge and construction method are based on weight tolerances. So it is essential you choose the right tension for your bodyweight as if not you either end up with a support unit that compresses far too much or not enough. Both of which lead to aches and pains after an uncomfortable nights sleep.

For your weight at 18 stone, you will require a 1.6 Firm pocket spring tension and your wife at 13 stone a 1.4 medium gauge pocket sprung mattress.

Bodyweight Spring tension
Upto 16 Stone / 50-101kg Medium (1.4mm)
16 Stone / 101kg Upwards Firm (1.6mm)
Available in Bespoke Products (Please Call) Soft (1.2mm)

The way these two different spring tensions are achieved is via two means:

Zip and links are hands down the most flexible and allow you to keep your own side of the bed when you turn your mattress monthly. They also reduce transference/disturbance during the night if you or your partner move around a lot.

Beds with completely different feels:

Now onto the mattress feel which is provided by the upholstery comfort layers. Unfortunately, you can't have two completely different mattresses size by side. The reason being is that they need to be the exact height or you'd have a ridge and secondly if you have completely different fibres (needed to achieve either a soft or firmer mattress) they will inevitably settle at different rates. Meaning over time you would find an inconsistency between the different heights or feels of the mattress.

Wool, for example, is far softer than horsetail and so will settle quicker.

There is a solution though. Mattress toppers can be used to soften a mattress so for two different sleeper preferences sometimes its best to go with the firmer feel mattress such as our Artisan 1500 mattress and then add a softer topper to your wife's side to soften it, If you choose a zip and link mattress then a single sized microfibre or goose down topper can help bring a softer feel for her without compromising the entire mattress.

Have a look at the Artisan 1500 mattress as a starting point and then if you need any more help please get back in touch on either [email protected] or 0161 437 4419

Sleep well

John & Ryan

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