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For Dora at Trustpilot
21st February 2017

How is the tension differences achieved?

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Thanks for some good bed time read...
I am wondering how the different tensions in one and the same bed model is achieved? I have vacuumed Hästens website and folders and the same with Vispring and I have not yet been allover your website, but soon - an nowhere can I find information on how the soft, medium and firm actually is accomplished. As is pointed out on this site only a few bed makers give exact information on what is in their beds in terms of GSM, count and size of the springs... but this information is only available as one set per mattress model. If the upholstery is not changed and not the springs either, then what makes the difference between soft and firm? Magic?
Perhaps the reason for me thinking of this is because I have been trying a lot of Vispring beds lately and in one shop I was recommended to try the medium of the Baronet Superb but the firm of the Herald. And to my surprise they both felt very good. I know that the different models are completely different - like the Devonshire has a very soft feel and for me the Devonshire firm felt way to soft and actually much softer than the baronet medium. I have not slept nights on end in the Baronet Medium of course but I did spend a good couple of hours in the shop and at least one hour in the Baronet and based on that I felt it as being supportive for my body in a similar way to the Herald firm. I know that the spring dimensions are different and wonder if this is what makes me feel that the Baronet Medium and the Herald Firm feel rather similar.
By the way I am a about 187cm tall and come in on 125kg (unfortunately a lot of it in the form of a firm ball on my belly. I have a pretty deep chest cage (if that is correct english?) but not wide shoulders. I sleep on my stomach with one arm under and above my head and sometimes on the side. At the moment my dream bed is the Vispring Sublime Superb Firm (good support while being hugged).
My wife is 180cm tall and about 85 kg and she really likes soft beds... her spine is very sensitive and she hates pressure on it. She don't care as much as I do about the bed, as long as it is not hard she sleeps anywhere, anytime but she did like medium of the Vispring Herald and she dozed off in the Baronet Medium. One salesperson tried to get her in a firm bed due to her length and weight but my wife just hates it "like sleeping on the floor she says". (again maybe here is my interest in the different tensions.. is it not also just down to preference?)
Would be grateful for an answer to what you can detect as questions and perhaps some reflection on what is not :)
And maybe one more: do you make your beds as 210cm long?
kind regards,

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