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For Dora at Trustpilot
18th September 2020

How long will my John Ryan mattress last?

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Hi, we have a John Ryan By Design medium Artisan Bespoke mattress which is 8-9 years old and recently have been waking up tired and with achy lower back and shoulders.

The mattress is on a wooden slated based with an old duvet over the slats. It has been turned every couple of months.

We are beginning to wonder if its perhaps time to buy a new mattress or if a topper would help extend its life?

Also going to try new pillows though the ones we have are only  6 months old.

I am a side sleeper and my partner is mainly back. Thanks for any advice you can give.

Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Neil,

Great to hear from you again about your mattress. It's always nice to hear back from existing customers!

If you've been turning the Artisan Bespoke monthly then you should easily get a 10-year lifespan out of it, if not more! Depending on the frequency of turning and rotating to keep the fibres from settling.

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Given its a 100% natural fibre mattress, these fibres are super resilient and far longer lasting than say polyester, memory foam and other white fibre mattresses.

One thing that can change during a mattresses lifespan is the sleeper's body weight, health or lifestyle. Given its been 8 years you may have found your weights fluctuated or your sleeping requirements may have changed. For example, if you've lost weight then you may be finding the Artisan Bespoke's firmer upholstery a bit too firm now. In this case, a mattress topper would help as they can soften this top layer. We've also had people who have had minor injuries and overtime needed to change their mattress to accommodate these. So it's worthwhile considering if you've had a life change that may impact your mattress suitability.

Mattress toppers will only ever soften and never firm up a mattresses comfort layers.

As a side sleeper, it may be that over the last 8 years your now requiring a slightly softer sleep surface so a mattress topper wouldn't be a bad idea. It's more cost-effective to try that then replace the entire mattress at this stage.

Do let us know how you get on and thanks for getting back in touch.

All the best
John & Ryan

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