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For Dora at Trustpilot
7th January 2019

I have osteoarthritis so have painful joints and need a mattress.

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Lynda Pert

I am5' 42 and weigh 8stone 7 ounces. I have osteo arthritis, so have painful joints. I would need a double mattress.

Amy Woolley Answered 11 months ago

Hi Lynda,
Thank you for your question.
With the information you have provided I would recommend looking at our models with a softer feel upholstery, something that will offer the correct support that can cushion your body and hopefully ease your aches and pains.
We have two different ranges of pocket sprung mattresses The Origins range is synthetic fibres and The Artisan range is natural fibres. 
The Origins Comfort 1000 is the softest model in the origins range, this model combines pocket-springs and deep man made fillings to provide excellent comfort and value for money. Costing £485.00 for a Double mattress. 

John Ryan By Design Origins Comfort
1 750gsm Very Soft Polyester
2 500gsm Polyester Pad
3 One Inch Foam Insulator Layer
4 1000 Spun Bond Pocket Springs

The Origins Comfort is supportive to a level at what we would class as a ‘true medium’ based on an average bodyweight. Not too firm and not too soft. Saying that, this is the softest mattress we do using different densities of polyester in the comfort layer
The Artisan Luxury is the softest model in the Artisan range. This is one of the best completely 100% natural component arrangements you can possibly get. Substantially well upholstered (4600 GSM) utilising Horsehair and Wool in a sandwich layout topped off with a blended wool and cotton primary layer.
The nearest comparable model we can find to this is the Vi-Spring Devonshire in terms of comfort. The luxury however includes horse hair and horse tail, which the Devonshire does not, making it a considerably higher specification mattress. The horse hair and horse tail layers provide support for the softer wool layers to prevent excess settlement.

John Ryan By Design Artisan Luxury Vi-Spring Devonshire
1 1200 GSM British Fleece Wool and Cotton 600gsm British Fleece Wool
2 Hairproof Cambric Cover 1700gsm Devonshire Fleece Wool
3 1200gsm Pure Horsehair NA
4 500gsm Pure Wool NA
5 1200gsm Pure Horsetail NA
6 500gsm Pure Wool 300gsm Bonded British Fleece Wool and Cotton
7 1476 Calico encased Pocket Springs [51mm] [1.42mm] 1326 Calico encased Pocket Springs [54mm] [1.52mm]
Total GSM 4600gsm 2600gsm

The models in the Artisan range can be paired with a soft, medium or firm spring tension to support an individuals body weight, the correct tension is determined by your body weight. At 8 stone you will need to opt for a soft spring tension. This is a perfect combination of support and comfort as well as being a phenomenal [and unbeatable] mattress for the price. Costing £1510.00 for a Double mattress.
Comfort level is superb, being able to adjust accordingly with weight applied. This means that for people with back problems there is nothing in the mattress that can exacerbate pressure points. This is certainly not a springy mattress.
I hope this information helps but if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the office on 0161 437 4419.
Kind regards,

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