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For Dora at Trustpilot
17th November 2019

John Ryan vs Vispring Magnificence Mattress

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Hello John Ryan

I was comparing your beds to Vispring. I really wish John Ryan used more premium upholstery in their beds, like Mohair, Silk and Cashmere. Upholstery like Flax and Bamboo isn't as soft and isn't as premium as Mohair, Silk and Cashmere.

Also, I don't know if John Ryan put any upholstery in their divan bases, I don't think they do as it doesn't say.

However, I was comparing your Artisan Sublime to the Vispring Magnificence.

The Vispring has 900gsm of blended Platinum Certified real Shetland wool and cotton, 610gsm of hand-opened Moosburger horsetail, 600gsm of hand-teased Platinum Certified real Shetland wool, blended with 200gsm of cashmere and 200gsm of mohair, (hand teased which is better and more premium than layers) and then it also has 1200gsm of blended Platinum Certified real Shetland wool and cotton. I'm sure you will be able to notice that this comes up to 3710 GSM, which your Artisan Sublime has much more GSM, but the Magnificence has much more upholstery like Mohair, Silk and Cashmere, as I said at the start, Mohair, Silk and Cashmere,is much softer and obviously much more premium than Flax and Bamboo. Also, when you add the upholstery in Magnificence divan base which is 1200gsm of horsehair and 1200gsm of blended Platinum Certified British fleece wool and cotton which takes the total GSM up to 6110 which is more than 5400 GSM you get in the Artisan Sublime as I don't think you get any upholstery in the divan base of the Artisan Sublime.

So, even though you get more GSM in the Artisan Sublime than you do in the Vispring Magnificence mattress (not including the divan bases upholstery) I think the Vispring would still be more comfortable and definitely much, much more premium as you get Silk, Mohair and Cashmere as those three are much softer, and much more premium than Flax and Bamboo you get in the Artisan Sublime. I think that would be the only complaint with the Artisan Sublime, it doesn't use premium upholstery like Silk, Mohair and Cashmere. Hopefully in the future John Ryan start using Silk, Mohair and Cashmere in their beds. I thought the Artisan Sublime would be much more comfortable, and overall better than the Vispring, but when you look at the upholstery, the Artisan Sublime falls away by a big margin as it uses Flax and Bamboo that are nowhere near as soft and definitely nowhere near as premium as the Silk, Mohair and Cashmere. It's a little bit surprising that John Ryan compare their beds to Vispring but didn't put Silk, Mohair or Cashmere in their top of the range bed knowing how premium those three are. However, as I said, hopefully John Ryan use Silk, Mohair and Cashmere in the future. Thank you very much.

Ryan K Answered 10 months ago

HI Michael,

Thanks so much for getting in touch. It's delightfully refreshing to receive such a well researched question!

We hold Vispring in high regard as one of the premier mattress manufacturers in the UK. Our Artisan Sublime does contain a completely different upholstery profile to the ViSpring Magnificence and is one of our highest spec mattresses.
If you were to take a look at our entry model Artisan mattress (significantly cheaper) then you will see our Artisan 1500 Mattress.

In the Artisan 1500 mattress we use both Mohair and Cashmere and it retails for around £1K for a king size mattress This is approx 90% less than the ViSpring Magnificence that retails around £10-13K for a king size mattress.
Our latest data tells us that the magnificence no longer contains silk but please advise us if we need to update our listings.

As you have suggested you may be looking for a soft mattress can I direct you to our Artisan Luxury Mattress that is the softest of our premium range of hand made mattresses. This mattress also contains both Horse Hair and Tail. I am sure you will be impressed with its credentials.

Please stay in touch as its lovely to hear from a fellow enthusiast.


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