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For Dora at Trustpilot
20th February 2019

Mattress for pain in back of head

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Maria McGrath

I have been suffering for a few years with pain in the back of my head during the night and when waking it feels like it is really bruised. I have tried every type of pillow going and varies combinations/heights. I replaced my mattress as it was old last January and have also paid out for a chiropractor but it was still no better. The mattress I was recommended by Dreams was their TheraPur medium/firm mattress. After a year if sleeping on this and no improvement I bought the Emma mattress about 6 weeks ago to trial it but this is no better. I think they may be too firm for me. I am only 5'2" and weigh 8 1/2 stone and sleep on my back. Can you recommend the correct mattress for me as I would just like to get a good nights sleep and wake up pain free.

Amy Woolley Answered 11 months ago

Hi Maria,
Thank you for your question.
Your body weight dictates that you should opt for a soft spring tension.

Spring Tension Wire diameter (Gauge) Weight Range
Soft 1.2mm Bespoke Tension (Please Call)
Medium 1.4mm Upto 16 stone
Firm 1.6mm 16 stone plus
Extra Firm / Orthopaedic 1.9mm 20 stone plus

I would recommend a mattress with either a soft or a medium upholstery.
The Origins comfort 1000 is the softest model in the Origins range.  The Origins Comfort is supportive to a level at what we would class as a ‘true medium’ based on an average bodyweight. Not too firm and not too soft. Saying that, this is the softest mattress we do using different densities of polyester in the comfort layer. To build softer at this price could only mean a reduction in fillings.
Origins Comfort 1000
The Origins Pocket 1500 is our best selling made in the UK man made and natural fibre mattress. Offering a quality 1500 pocket-spring unit and layers of fillings for a medium overall feeling. Unbeatable value given its quality.
Origins Pocket spring 1500 mattress
The Artisan Luxury is the softest mattress in the Artisan range.  The Luxury is our softest 100% Natural mattress with incredibly deep sinking layers. All on a tailored tension calico pocket sprung support unit. Detailed with two rows of genuine hand side stitching.
Artisan Luxury mattress
The Artisan Naturals is our most popular, unbeatable model with 85% natural fibres. Containing a huge GSM of fillings, including wool and mohair, on a Calico Pocket spring unit. This medium feel hand crafted mattress is where we stake our reputation as ‘The Mattress Specialists’. The Naturals is described as the 'true medium' of the range. 
Artisan Naturals
I recommend that you take a look at the mattresses mentioned above and give the office a call on 0161 437 4419 to discuss this in more detail.
Kind regards,

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