Mattresses for bunk beds
Hi John. I am most impressed with you site, thanks for all the tips. I am in the process of looking for some decent mattresses for some bunk beds we have ordered for our boys aged 8 and 5. With money being in the back of my mind, what do you recommend?
We found some which are pocket sprung (192, which seems low?) for a reasonable amount (£130). Can you make a recommendation?
Thanks again!
Hi Marcus.
Be really careful about your mattress purchase.
The guard rails on bunks can vary in height and therefore with a deep mattress, the height of such will exceed the barrier.
I have made mention in another response that I personally think for a budget of around £100 or so, you will be better buying a decent support - such as a block foam mattress (cheap) - look at - and then add your own comfort layer as in the form of a topper - a latex topper would be ideal - and you would be getting your decent mattress.
These two component parts come in a myriad of depths and so you will be able to assess how deep you want the mattress to be in relation to the guardrail.
Finally, I dont believe it is a pocket sprung mattress you refer to.
I think that [192] is an open coil count which means nothing.
Open coil mattresses are cheap - cheap to make and cheap to sell.
Knowing how many coils in a particular mattress is fairly meaningless - it's still an open coil mattress.
Hope this helps.
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John and Ryan.
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