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For Dora at Trustpilot
3rd March 2020

Mattresses that require to be fully turned

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I am looking for a turn over mattress not one of the later styles of turn around ,it doesnt say on your site if they are turn over or turn around

Julie Answered 11 months ago

Hi Alice,
Thank you for your question.
All the mattresses within our ranges, require to be flipped over head to toe or north to south after the first month of sleeping on them and then the following month they need to be flipped over side to side or east to west.  This needs to be done alternatively for about 12 months as this allows the fillings inside the mattress to be settle evenly and enables the whole of the sleeping surface to be utilised.   If this procedure is not adhered to, then dipping and settlement can become an issue.
When choosing a mattress that meets your needs, we require the following information which will then enable us to recommend the correct mattress to suit you :-

  • Body weights, heights and preferred feel.
  • The type of base the mattress is to go onto
  • Whether you are looking at more of a man made mattress or something that contains natural fillings.
  • How you sleep eg: side sleeper, back sleeper or front sleeper 

We make two ranges of traditional pocket sprung mattresses which are in our Origins Range and our Artisan Range. The Origins Range contain synthetic fillings whereas the Artisan Range contain natural fillings.  The only mattress that we make that you can only rotate, is our Origins Pocket Latex 1500.
We also make 100% Natural Latex mattresses which are in our Fusion Range and again these can be turned over and rotated.  However these mattresses come in either firm or extra firm so it will depend on your preferred feel.
I have attached herewith a further link to an article on our website being our Mattress Buying Guide which will provide you with lots of useful information on what to look out for when purchasing a mattress.
I hope the above is of assistance to you, however, please do not hesitate to contact our office for further information and advice on 0161 437 4419.
Kind regards Julie

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