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For Dora at Trustpilot
24th August 2018

Memory foam topper

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chris glynn

I have a memory foam mattress which is 16months old. I put a memory foam topper on top of this about 2 months ago.
I now have a mattress that has got "sidewall collapse." As a goodwill gesture the Company I bought it from even though the 12 month
guarantee has expired are going to replace the mattress.
I am wondering whether to put the mattress topper on the new mattress. Do you think the topper could have caused the sidewall collapse?
I would really appreciate your advice.
Many thanks.

Julie Answered 11 months ago

Hi Chris,
Thank you for your question.
It is a personal choice for you as to whether you require to place the topper back on to your new mattress.   A topper adds extra comfort layers and also protects your mattress and I have attached a link to an article on our website which explains all about the advantages of having a mattress topper.  I would not think that the topper caused the sidewall collapse but you would need to beg this question with the Company you purchased the mattress from.
Coolblue Hybrid Mattress Topper
I hope this assists and if we can offer you any information or advice with regard to any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact our Office on 0161 437 4419.
Kind regards Julie.

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