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For Dora at Trustpilot
12th October 2018

neck and back pain

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im a side sleeper 11 stone current mattress is a sealy memory foam top,13 yrs old, feels firm
wake up every morning aches and pain i really would like a latex mattress as i like a soft feel

Lee Lelant Answered 6 months ago

Hi Jim,
Thanks for your question. 
The only full latex mattresses we are retailing at the minute are the ones available in our Outlet. This is because we can't source the same quality of material brand new for at least 16 weeks. 

At your body weight and given your preference for a soft feel you should be looking at our Fusion 3. This has a Medium density core latex mattress and a completely separate latex topper to add even more comfort. 
If you would like to discuss alternatives in our Origins or Artisan ranges then please don't hesitate to contact our office on 0161 437 4419.

Kind Regards, Lee. 

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