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For Dora at Trustpilot
18th April 2015

Replacing a foam mattress for side sleepers

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A customer asked

I have a mattress that needs replacement(15 yr old) it has been a great mattress for us, made of foam and in the middle i think latex( bought for €499 at that time). I am nearly 19 st and my husband 10 st. We are both side sleepers. He has lower back pain(got worse the last few years)and I have pain in my legs after a few hours of sleep especialy my right(on which I sleep mostly).
What do you think would be the best choice for us as we are both different weights and want one mattress?
Many thanks

JohnRyanLtd Answered 11 months ago

Hi Maryam,

Thank you for your email.

Due to your differing body weights, and the fact that you require a one piece mattress, the only mattresses that I can recommend for you are in our Fusion Range.  These are the mattresses which are made of 100% Natural Latex.  However again because of the differing body weights, I would recommend that you go and try some Dunlopillo mattresses which are Fusion range have a similar feel to.   I would advise trying the Dunlopillo Celeste which has a similar feel to our Fusion 4.   This has a core mattress and a separate topper which will allow you to both sink into the topper for comfort before reaching the support of the core mattress.

Fusion 4 Dunlopillo Celeste
Cover Micro-quilt John Ryan Cover with tape edged damask sides 2cm quilted cover with Actipro
1 5cm 100% 70kg Natural Latex NA
2 18cm 100% 80kg Natural Latex 19cm Latex (Density & blend unknown)
Total Depth 23cm + 3-5 cm for the quilted cover 21cm

Your Bodyweight This will feel
Under 10 Stone / 63kg Firm
10-12 Stone / 63-76kg Firm
12-14 Stone / 76-88kg Firm
14-16 Stone / 88-101kg Firm to Medium
16-18 Stone / 101-114kg Medium to Firm
18 Stone / 114kg Plus Please call for advice

Luxury John Ryan Fusion 4 Mattress


Once you have tried the Dunlopillo mattresses, please then telephone our office for further advice and guidance on 0161 437 4419.

Kind regards Julie

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