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For Dora at Trustpilot
20th July 2020

What is a calico pocket spring?

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Hi John Ryan,

I'm looking at buying one of your hand made mattresses, given all the great reviews I've read. I've spent hours studying your mattress site too!

I've got a quick question. Is a calico pocket spring the same as a calico encased pocket spring? What is the difference?


Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Alexandra,

Thanks for your question. The quick answer is yes, a calico pocket spring is the same as a calico encased vanadium spring.

The industry usually uses the latter description which is more accurate. Some other mattress sites refer to calico pocket springs which can be a little bit misleading. Almost like the spring is made of calico which it isn't.

The good news is there are very few mattress makers using true calico encased pocket springs. These springs offer the best independence of support during the night with minimal transference. Each individual spring offers support just where you need it, especially for pressure points.

The calico/cotton is a breathable fibre. Meaning then mattress when combined with natural fibres is far cooler than say a memory foam mattress. The calico pocket spring casing is far more flexible than polyester alternatives meaning there's far more responsive spring support.

What's also just as important as the pocket spring type is the spring gauge (ie the thickness of the wire). Spring tensions should always be chosen based on your body weight and not on your comfort preferences. Mattress comfort is always provided by the upholstery layers.

These mattress guide videos should help explain in even more detail. Do let us know if we can help you with our mattress range. Our first Artisan model to use the calico encased pocket spring is the Artisan Naturals which you can view here.

All the best
John & Ryan

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