Free Mattress Buying Guide



Margaret asked
20th February 2017

Have slatted base. Need new mattress please. Husband 60kg, me 52kg, mid 50s. He sleeps on back, I have aches and stiffness of arthritis so awake time to time in night and need to change to various positions, back, side, front for short periods, and often sleep without pillow support for head if on back.
I am cold getting into bed, using hot water bottle every night and that helps pain. But I get too hot later and have to delayer in night.
Currently have springs/” title=”pocket spring”>pocket spring which was spin only, not turn over, with some wool topping as part of the mattress.
Expect pocket sprung again, having read lots of your website advice. Happy to spin or turn over. Please advise if you also recommend a ‘topper’ and which type.

1 Answer
answered 7 years ago

Hi Margaret,

Thank you for your enquiry.

All of our pocket sprung mattresses can be used on a slatted base, however, we would advocate placing some form of barrier, usually thin (3-5mm) MDF over the slats. This will provide the mattress with a uniform surface upon which to sit and prevent ridging occurring as a result of the mattress dipping into the gaps between the slats.

With you particular light body weights, we would suggest that you need a soft spring tension/feel mattress. Please view the Origins Comfort 1000, which although it has a standard medium tension spring unit, has soft man made upholstery layers, which would suit you both.

John Ryan By Design Origins Comfort
1750gsm Very Soft Polyester
2500gsm Polyester Pad
3One Inch Foam Insulator Layer
41000 Spun Bond Pocket Springs

Alternatively, if you prefer natural upholstery, please view the Artisan Naturals or Artisan Bespoke 004, both of which can have the spring unit selected to suit and both of which contain natural upholstery, 85% in the Naturals and 100% in the 004. Both will provide the same overall feel in the upholstery.

John Ryan By Design Artisan NaturalsVi Spring Regal Superb
11200gsm Blended British Fleece Wool and Cotton.900gsm Blended real Shetland Isle Fleece Wool and Cotton
2Hairproof Cambric CoverHairproof Cambric Cover
31250gsm Rebound Poly Cotton1200gsm long stranded Horsetail blended with British Fleece Wool
41500gsm 100% Pure Mohair1000gsm Bonded British Fleece Wool and Cotton
51600 Calico encased Pocket Springs [ 49mm ] [1.28mm ]1720 Calico encased Pocket Springs [48mm ] [1.28mm ]
Total GSM3950gsm3100gsm
John Ryan By Design Artisan Bespoke 004Vi Spring Regal Superb
11200gsm Blended British Fleece Wool and Cotton900gsm Blended real Shetland Isle Fleece Wool and Cotton
2Hairproof Cambric CoverHairproof Cambric Cover
3200gsm Soft BambooNA
41200gsm Pure Horsetail1200gsm long stranded Horsetail blended with British Fleece Wool
51000gsm Bonded British Fleece Wool and Cotton1000gsm Bonded British Fleece Wool and Cotton
61600 Calico encased Pocket Springs [ 49mm ] [1.28mm]1720 Calico encased Pocket Springs [48mm ] [1.28mm]
Total GSM3600 gsm3100 gsm

All the above mattresses are double sided, which means that they can be turned or rotated and we would recommend that this is done alternately for the first twelve months and regularly thereafter. As far as a topper is concerned, we would advocate using your new mattress for at least 28 days before deciding upon whether a topper is necessary, as purchasing at the same time as your mattress may turn out to be an unnecessary expense.

We trust that the above is of help to you, but if you require any further advice or guidance, please call our office on 0161 437 4419 and speak with one of our advisors.

Kind regards.
