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For Dora at Trustpilot
22nd August 2016

New Mattress Advice

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A customer asked

Firstly, thanks for a very informative website!My question, with enough background (I hope) to be helpful...I have had my present mattress for 11 years. I recently came back from being away at a holiday cottage, and was struck by how uncomfortable my mattress is in comparison to the new mattress in the cottage, and so felt it was time for a new mattress...Some details about my current one. It's a Sleepmasters Back Care Supreme, and is pocket sprung. (I think it was purchased from Bensons) I recall when I bought it I tried memory foam ones, and didn't like them, and wanted another pocket sprung model. I find *firm* mattresses most comfortable, and recall being advised to get an 'ortho' model. Certainly don't like softer mattresses.I'm just over 12 stone, and 5'10''. My bed is a double.I'm also looking to get a new base.Budget? Well, normally in life I take a 'quality first' approach, and would hope my new mattress would last 10 years. Would rather get a quality product than a cheap one--which normally means paying extra.Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide. Greatly appreciated.

JohnRyanLtd Answered 11 months ago

Hi there,

Thank you for the compliment in respect of our site. With your particular body weight I would recommend a medium spring tension as I would not put anyone under 17 st on a firm spring. I note that you prefer a firmer mattress and so I would suggest that you look at the Artisan Bespoke, which can be ordered in a medium spring tension to provide the right support for your body weight, but has firmer upholstery suiting the feel you require.

I would agree that if you are looking for something that will last at least 10 years, you will need to invest in a quality product. Once you have viewed the above product, if you have any further queries, please call our office. Kind regards.

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