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For Dora at Trustpilot
18th August 2018

Bed recommendations

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Yvonne Woodhall

What bed would you recommend for 6ft 6 man 22 stone and 5ft 3 woman 15 stone. We have divan base king size. Husband has some back problems and has had several major surgeries on stomach and getting pains from our current bed. I had tried origins pocket 2000 at relatives house and found that comfortable, but hot, my husband hasn’t t Tried it but I am looking for something for his comfort.

Michaela Long Answered 11 months ago

Hi Yvonne,
Thank you for your question on our website.  The Origins Pocket 1500 ( which is what you tried at your relatives house but with 2000 springs) is available with either a dual spring tension, one side a medium spring for yourself and one side a firm spring for your husband, or you could have the zip and link option with the two different spring tensions.  Spring tension is based solely on an individual's body weight to give them the correct support.  The 2000 spring option in this mattress is designed for people whose body weight is 17 stone and over.

Bodyweight Spring tension
Upto 16 Stone / 50-101kg Medium (1.4mm)
16 Stone / 101kg Upwards Firm (1.6mm)
Available in Bespoke Products (Please Call) Soft (1.2mm)

As you said you found this mattress too hot you may be best looking at something with natural fibres, which provide the coolest sleep surface.  Similar in comfort is our Artisan Tailored Pocket 2000 with a medium/firm spring tension.  This mattress has 85% natural fibres and two rows of springs.  If this is out of your budget you could either look on our outlet to see if we have any at a discounted price or add a natural fibre topper to the Origins Pocket 1500.
Artisan Tailored Pocket sprung 2000 mattress
The advice for back problems used to be the firmer the better but that has changed in recent years.  What we advise now is that you have the correct level of support from the correct spring tension which is the most important factor.  Then the upholstery layers are dictated by your personal preferences as to what you find comfortable and your sleeping habits.  For example, we wouldn't recommend anything too firm in the upholstery layers for side sleepers as this can cause pressure pains in the shoulders hips and knees, similarly, for people with back issues should be considering comfort layers that or soft or medium.
If you would like any further information or would like to discuss the suitability of any of our mattresses please do not hesitate to contact the office on 0161 437 4419.  Our office hours are 8 am - 8 pm Monday to Friday and 10 am - 4 pm Saturday and Sunday.
Kind Regards

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