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For Dora at Trustpilot
21st February 2022

Jensen Bed Problem with the Latex Topper causing movement at night?

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Clare Ockendon

Good Morning,

A few months ago, we replaced our very old Jensen bed with their Bliss Continental (due to the pandemic we did not want to go out bed shopping so thought it safest to stick with what we already knew). The only change was that we opted for a split mattress, to ease turning, but one kingsize topper across the 2 mattresses.

The salesman could not think of any disadvantages of doing this.
Since getting the new bed, there is a very large degree of motion transfer - if my husband even quietly coughs the whole bed wobbles. The salesman now says that they don't recommend one topper across 2 mattresses but can't really say why. One solution is for us to spend more money buying 2 separate toppers from Jensen.

An alternative is to cut the topper down the middle and buy 2 covers from them - still at a very significant cost, but I have been considering this.

I have done some research into the latex topper, as natural latex is not supposed to move very much. The previous Jensen topper was made from Talalay but the new one is Innergetic. The manufacturer of Innergetic is Latexco who make different blends - pure natural, 50/50 and 20/80. Given that Jensen does not reveal which type they use, I assume it is one of the lower blends - would that make the topper wobble a lot more?

I would be very grateful if you could give me your professional view as to what we should do to improve our bed:
1. If we bought a new Natural Latex Kingsize topper from you and laid it across our Jensen mattresses and bases are we still likely to experience significant motion coming up from the mattresses and across the topper?

2. Alternatively, is most of the motion transfer likely to be coming from the Topper itself? If that is the case, is it because that is always unavoidable or is it only happening because it is not in fact Natural Latex?

3. Is our only safe way forward, to buy 2 separate toppers - not what I wanted and tricky to find in the right size unless we get them from Jensen again?

My apologies for the length of this but I hope you are able to point me in the right direction.
Many thanks,

Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Clare,

Many thanks for your question about Jensen mattresses and why you are struggling with the Jensen latex mattress topper. It must be really frustrating but rest assured that there is a solution to nearly every mattress issue.

Let's have a quick closer look at the Jensen Bliss to see what mattress we're looking at.

Image from https://jensen-beds.com/uk/beds/bliss/continental/
"Jensen® Original Zone System. Aloy® 2.0 pocket spring system (14 cm) features an extra long and soft shoulder zone, that provides great flexibility and space for your shoulders. Aloy® 2.0 also has a built-in support for your lower back. An enhanced and dual-sprung base frame makes the Bliss a very stable bed that provides great support and pressure relief. Bliss has double stitching and an embroidered Jensen logo."

From the product description, it's a pocket sprung mattress and sprung edge divan with a latex topper. All is good so far. It's a shame Jensen still doesn't give you the exact details such as spring gauge (which allows you to tailor it to your individual bodyweights) or the blend or density of the latex being used.

On face value, this mattress shouldn't cause huge levels of transference in itself as it uses pocket springs which always reduces transference in bed.

The single-piece topper also shouldn't cause that much of an issue if it's natural latex. We've sold one piece 100% natural latex toppers without any complaint of transference.

This is because natural latex is super progressive and has a rather dead feeling to it. ie it only reacts where you put pressure and very rarely causes any transference, such as an open coil spring or other foams.

Innergenic latex in our experience is nearly always a heavy synthetic blend. If it was natural like you say manufacturers like Jensen would be shouting it from the roof tops. It's clear you've already read our guides on latex mattresses and can spot a synthetic model from a 100% natural latex make.

Synthetic latex is more wobbly than natural latex, after all its imitating the natural plant rubber rather than mirroring its qualities. That said it should move that much that you're both waking up.

The last thing we would say is have you have the split mattress totally covered? We know Jensen sometimes add this as a 'seamless' mattress offering? If so it may be this one-piece cover that's causing the movement from your partner coughing.

We wouldn't recommend buying a brand new 100% natural latex topper as it would be a risky investment if it doesn't work. What we would recommend is buying 2 cheap synthetic polyester toppers. £20 each for example and see if the transference continues. If so, then something is wrong with the pocket sprung mattress or base, if they have been glued and the springs are now all stuck together in one piece.

If it does fix the problem then you know it's the topper and can then move on to splitting the latex in two or looking for another solution.

Lastly, I would get in touch with Jensen to ask for their expertise too, given they have designed the mattress as it does sound rather odd.

We do hope that helps move you towards finding a resolution.

Sleep tight.
John & Ryan

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