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For Dora at Trustpilot
21st August 2019

John Lewis VI-SPRING Plymouth mattress

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Ian Booth

Hi, we tried the above recently and it seemed about right. Would you know what your closest equivalent would be?

Julie Answered 11 months ago

Hi Ian,

Thank you for your question.

I have had a look at the specifications of the Vi Spring Plymouth mattress and it is very vague to say the least.  It only states that the mattress is made up of New Zealand Fleece Wool & Cotton which gives the mattress an overall medium firmness.

I am unsure why this mattress has been given a medium comfort from those top upholstery layers when wool & cotton give no structure to the mattress and can make it feel very soft and will flatten over time creating hollows & dips.  Putting support layers in a mattress such as horsehair or horsetail  will give the mattress much more structure.

I would need to have the following information from you in order to recommend which mattress from our site would suit you :-


The support from the mattress comes from the springs and that support is dictated by body weight.

The mattresses in our Artisan range do have a similar feel to certain Vi Spring models and if you are looking for a mattress that will give you an overall medium comfort from the upholstery layers, I would recommend looking at our Artisan Bespoke 004 which contains 100% natural fillings and has calico encased pocket springs made from vanadium steel.

[recommended-product post="626331"]

It would be helpful if you could please telephone our office on 0161 437 4419 to discuss the matter in more detail.

Kind regards Julie

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