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For Dora at Trustpilot
4th September 2013

Mattress for heavyweight

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A customer asked

Dear John and Ryan, I am in the process of moving into temporary accommodation for 6-12 months before eventually buying and furnishing my own place. Eventually I will be looking at getting a king size bed and buying an appropriate mattress but in the meantime I'll need a double mattress which I'll need to get up two flights of narrow stairs. I am 5'9", weigh 22st and tend to sleep on my side or front. I don't tend to move if the bed is comfortable enough!

I've been looking at getting a memory foam mattress (mostly because if they come vacuum packed I'll be able to get it up the stairs) and ideally would want to spend under £400 but I won't bother if they might cause me problems through lack of support. What do you advise?

Thanks in advance >

admin Answered 11 months ago

Hi Keith.

Thank you for your question.

In this case support really is key and if you get it wrong you will be paying the price.

For now I would recommend you get a high density foam mattress (vac packed to take into account your access issues).  Look at Ergoflex 3rd Gen memory foam mattress with an 85kg/m3 firm density.  This will be just right for the support you require but it will take you just over a £400 budget.

I would also supplement this with an additional Memory Foam topper (about 3cm) to take the wear and tear but it will also be a softer density (about 60kg/m3) which will give you an additional layer of comfort.

This combo will last you more than the 6-12 months you are looking at, but pound for pound is a better investment than buying cheap and unsupportive.

John and Ryan.

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