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For Dora at Trustpilot
9th September 2019

Mattress warrenty

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If I brought a mattress 5 years ago say and now there's a dip in the mattress does that mean there is still a warranty as a mattress thay say should be renewed every 8 years, I'm talking on behalf of my son-in-law who he must go 15 stone as he's a large man and his wife must go almost the same but pregnant now

Kind regards colin

Julie Answered 11 months ago

Hi Colin,

Thank you for your question.

I am presuming that the mattress you are referring to is made by another Manufacturer other than ourselves.  If this is the case, then you would need to ascertain from the Company your Son-in-Law purchased the mattress from, what is covered by their Guarantee or Warranty.

As the mattress has dipped, they would need to have the mattress inspected to see if a fault has occurred.  However just because a mattress has dipped, does not mean that the mattress has failed.  I have attached a link to our website which explains this in more details.  Different Companies have different tolerances for different styles of mattresses.

The bottom line is that settlement and indentations are going to occur in all mattresses. If a person was five foot wide and 6 foot high the depression and settlement would be equalised over the entire mattress. However, people are not the same size and shape and therefore, body-shaped impressions will occur.

As explained, you would need to contact the Company from whom the mattress was purchased and have a discussion with them regarding the mattress your Son-in-Law has been sleeping on.

If we are able to assist you with regard to any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact our small friendly team of advisers who will be able to recommend a product for you.

Kind regards Julie

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