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For Dora at Trustpilot
22nd July 2019

Should I opt for a full Super King or a Zip and Link mattress?

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Carol Pullar

We are about to buy a superking bed but are not sure whether to get a whole mattress or two that zip down the centre. Which is better?

Amy Woolley Answered 10 months ago

Hi Carol,

Thank you for your question.

One big href="https://johnryanbydesign.co.uk/understanding-beds/question/problems-with-i-gel-mattress-from-bensons/" class="" >problem we find when delivering one piece Super King mattresses is that it is a struggle gaining access into a lot of properties, in some cases the mattress just won't fit and it has to be returned with our couriers!

Zip and Link mattresses have many benefits, the fist and main one is it makes the job a whole lot easier gaining access with two smaller mattresses that zip together to make a full Super King size mattress.

Our John Ryan mattresses can be substantially heavy compared to other retailers, especially with sizes King and above. Carrying out the care and maintenance that we advise can be an easier job with a Zip and Link mattress as you are able to unzip them, turn them as two smaller size mattresses and then zip them back together.

Another huge benefit to Zip and Link mattresses is that it helps to reduce movement throughout the mattress massively! Two separate springs-through-mattress/" class="" >mattresses with two individual spring systems that are not attached therefore when a person moves on their mattress they do not disturb the other person!

I hope this information is useful to you in helping you make your decision. If you should have any further questions please do not hesitate to call the office on 0161 437 4419.

Kind regards,

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