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For Dora at Trustpilot
15th June 2020

Which mattress for an 8 stone sleeper who can feel tufts?

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I am 8st 6 and slim. I want a comfortable mattress for my weight and build. My budget is £600. I also find in mattresses with buttons or tufts I can sometimes feel them pressing into my hips. What would you recommend for me?

Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Margaret,

Thanks for getting in touch with us about mattresses for light people. Let's have a look at some suggestions based on your budget (which we assume is for a double).

Choosing the right mattress is always based on the correct support for your weight and then a more detailed look at the comfort or upholstery layers on top of that support unit.

At your weight, we would recommend a medium 1.4 spring gauge in our range which will give you just the right amount of support. All of our mattresses are hand made in the UK.

Depending on the feel you're looking for in the top layer, ie soft, medium or firm you then need to look closely at what's inside the mattress. Which is what most retailers don't want you to do as this puts you in a position to compare them!

Origins 1500 - Medium feel in the upholstery

The Origins Pocket 1500 is our best selling model in the Origins range. It's a two-sided model; meaning you can turn and rotate the mattress to get maximum usage out of it and help even out settlement.

It has a medium feel in the top upholstery layer from 1550GSM of primarily synthetic fibres. At your price point, a natural fibre mattress is outside of your current budget. Any retailer that claims to offer a 10% natural fibre mattress at the £600 price point is truly misleading you we're afraid!

Origins Comfort 1000 - For a soft feel mattress with medium support

This model would also be ideal if you're looking for a softer feel mattress with medium support. Which may be more suitable given your slim frame. It has 1250GSM of polyester and very soft polyester fillings. Again it is two-sided.

Feeling tufts or buttons on a mattress:
Most people don't notice the tufts on a mattress. Which are there to keep the fillings together and stop them from migrating around the bed like in cheaper non-tufted models. However, if you're sensitive to feeling them the best way to get around this is with a microfibre or wool topper. Which just helps add another layer of soft fillings between you and the tufts themselves. There are quilted mattress models with no tufts but you're going to be sacrificing longevity and comfort in the long run so we would advise that you avoid these where possible as they settle far faster than properly constructed mattresses.

We've also attached a handy table below to show you what you can expect from your budget to help you.

How much to spend on a double mattress? What can I expect for my money?
Under £500 Will not get you much at best a 13.5 gauge open coil/cage sprung with a thin polyester layer or a solid foam mattress.
£500 Entry level spunbond springs with some form of synthetic upholstery. Usually one sided mattresses.
£750 The beginnings of a basic pocket springs unit with 800 – 1000 count. No substantial amount of filling other than foams and synthetic materials. Two sided models.
£1000 Should get you away from most low ranges and into the mid-range pocket spring models.
£1250 Should get you a decent pocket sprung mattress with some Natural Fibre content.
£1500 Should get you many manufacturers mid-range models with Natural Fibres
£1500-£2000 Should get you a Hand Made primarily Natural Fibre Quality Mattress
£2000+ You should expect 100% Natural Fibres and Traditional Hand Made Construction Method.
£5000+ A Bespoke Hand Made Sleep System, High-end Spring Units & Featuring the Worlds Most Luxurious Natural Fibres.

If you need any more help please get back in touch with our small expert team on 0161 437 4419.

All the best
John & Ryan

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