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Sleep & Well Being

December 2018

Quick Tips to Sleep Better When Sharing a Bed With a Partner

Getting a great night’s sleep feels fantastic, it can really give your body and mind a boost, and improve your overall health and wellbeing. If you sleep with a partner then sometimes there’s a chance your sleep may suffer. Sharing a mattress with a partner is wonderful, but it can sometimes cause sleep issues and disturbances. Maybe one of you prefers to stretch out, or one of you steals the duvet. One of the more common issues can be when you end up rolling together during the night.

If you find yourself struggling for sleep with a partner, don’t give up and head for the couch just yet – we’ve got some quick tips to make sharing a bed easier…

Take temperature into consideration

Perhaps you’re a hot sleeper, or maybe you often feel colder so you prefer it nice and toasty at night. whatever your preferences, it’s true that temperature can really affect the quality of your sleep, and you and your partner may prefer the bedroom to be at different temperatures. If this is the case, then it’s a good idea to work out a compromise. Consider a separate comforter to keep warm, when your partner likes it cold. Or keep the room at a temperature that your both happy with, because if it’s too hot you won’t sleep anyway, and you don’t want to start shivering if it’s too cold.

Sort out that snoring

This tip may not apply to you, but if you or your partner suffer from snoring then unfortunately this can seriously disturb your sleep time. Of course, snoring can sometimes be part of a serious underlying health issue, so it’s recommended that you seek a doctor’s advice if you think it could be. For more general snoring, you could invest in some sprays or nasal strips, as these are designed to make breathing easier for snorers. There are also pillows that are designed to alleviate snoring, and aid breathing too.

Stop Roll Together

Do you find that when your partner moves or rolls over you also get thrown about on your mattress? If so this is known as transference, where the entire spring unit, usually an open coil, send a shock wave across the bed. This can be reduced by choosing a quality pocket spring mattress where this transference is limited. The best way to completely remove transference and roll together is by choosing a Zip and link mattress. This is where you have two separate halves of your mattress; meaning that any movement on one side is isolated. It also allows you to have different spring tensions for each side which is useful if you and your partner are of different body weights. Zip and links are also easier to flip and turn as you’re only handling half of the mattress at any one time. They also enable you to fit a larger bed up tight staircases. The zips in the middle are recessed so you can’t feel them and the bed looks and acts just like a one piece mattress!

zip link mattress

Look at your sleep schedules

Sometimes you and your partner’s sleep schedules can very, either because of work or other commitments. It’s important to respect each other’s schedules but it’s also important to try and meet in the middle. If the time you each go to bed differs by an hour or so, then try shifting that time gradually each way, by 10 minutes or so. Eventually you’ll want to get to a point where one of you stays up half an hour longer and the other heads for bed half an hour earlier. If one of you is still getting into bed with an already sleeping partner, then do your best to not disturb them. Use a nightlight instead of turning on the blinds bedroom lights, and if you want to listen to music, then consider headphones.

Invest in a bigger bed

There are many reasons to get yourself a bigger bed, but one of the main ones of course, is having more room when you’re sharing with a partner. A standard bed might not be cutting it anymore for you and your partner when it comes to getting a quality, soothing sleep. Instead, consider getting a king size bed, as this will give you plenty of room to sleep soundly side by side. If you have difficult access why not look at a Zip & link bed which helps with tight staircases or door frames. Most people toss and turn at night, so allowing yourself the extra bed space will ensure you’re not disturbed by a restless sleeper. Getting yourself a bigger mattress is an investment in both your sleep quality and your relationship, because you both deserve luxury at night.

Get yourself a better mattress

You and your partner’s sleep disturbances might all be down to the quality of your mattress. If you’re sleeping on something old and uncomfortable, then your nights will be restless no matter what changes you and partner make in terms of temperature, snoring, or sleep scheduling. Ideally you need to evaluate your mattress every 7 years, to determine whether it’s still giving you the right level of comfort and support.

A quality pocket sprung mattress will be able to easily reduce the disturbances between you and your partner during the night. The individually cushioned pocket springs can react and adjust themselves to the pressure the shape of your body makes, preventing you from rolling. Also, the Natural Fibres are extremely breathable, allowing for ample natural air flow between your body and the material.

Our diverse range includes both Natural Fibre and Man Made Fibre pocket sprung mattresses, with the Origins Pocket 1500 and the Artisan Naturals being our most popular choices. Our Luxury Zip & Link Mattresses can also greatly reduce movement between you and your partner, leaving you both to stretch out, feel supported, and get a luxurious, sumptuous and satisfying sleep.

For more information, get in touch on 0161 437 4419.

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