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For Dora at Trustpilot
2nd January 2019

Artisan Luxury compared to Somnus mattresses

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How can a mattress with less than 1500 springs be as good as a roughly equivalent priced Somnus mattress with 10000 springs?

Lee Answered 11 months ago

Afternoon John,

Thanks for getting in touch and that's a really good question to ask! Ideally, I'd need to know which model you were referring to but can advise around spring counts.

Single Layer Springs: There are only so many springs you can fit into a mattress of any given size. All spring counts are based on a king size mattress and the maximum number of springs in a King size is 2000 though in most cases 1200-1600 is ideal for the right amount of support and 'breathing space' between support springs and the fibre upholstery layers. Any more than that it will need to either be made of smaller springs or dual layering of springs.

Micro Springs & HD Springs: When you're talking about 10,000 this almost certainly alludes to micro springs which are tiny. These micro or HD springs are around an inch in depth and they are layer up. They compress really easily and are far less supportive than say a vanadium calico encased pocket spring, see below for the comparison in size and height.
Micro / HD springs are nearly always synthetically bonded together
Calico Pocket Springs are the highest quality that can be bought
By reducing the size of the spring a manufacturer can fit more in. Which sounds great doesn't it? However, in reality, there is a 'sweet spot' with spring dimensions that allow them to react and respond in a progressive manner. If you make them too big or too small then they simply don't work as effectively. Micro and HD springs are only really useful in a mattress base pad, which are as rare as hens teeth or in a thick topper as the support unit, again it would need considerable fillings so you didn't feel them.

Really small springs, for example, compress really quickly meaning you need even further layers of springs to counteract this quick sink.

In reality, you should never need 10,000 springs, manufacturers and retailers do this to try and increase the 'sales spin of mattresses'.

Another thing to bear in mind is that the 10,000 springs will undoubtedly be taking up space where natural fillings could go. So you're trading off one vital benefit - comfort layers- for a high and unnecessary spring count. Also, do you really want all that wire in your bed vs naturally breathable fillings?

Dual layer springs: Dual layer 'normal sized' springs are often used in really high-end mattresses. This is because it gives a really progressive fast response to the mattress support unit. For people who toss and turn a lot this can be a real benefit as the bed is really reactive. For some people, who prefer a really firm sleep surface, dual springs are too lively. So it really does depend on your sleeping style John. Again you would never need more than two layers of springs in a twin up or Dual layer as you then start to lose the fillings required for comfort. Have a look at our Artisan Bespoke 003 for an example of a high-end twin up /dual layer spring.

I hope that helps provide some context in the murky world of spring counts. Basically, if you keep in mind that you can only get 2000 springs in a king size and anything more than this either means a twin up, dual spring tension, like our Artisan Bespoke 002, Artisan Bespoke 003 and Artisan Sublime. Anything over these spring counts and its micro or tiny springs which really have no purpose in a main mattress and are really just there to help increase the count for sales.

If you have any further questions please feel free to call us on 0161 437 4419 or email on [email protected].

All the best


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