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For Dora at Trustpilot
31st January 2013

Problems with mattress movement waking me up

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A customer asked

Hi, firstly thank you for such an informative website. I am after some advice - my husband and I currrently have a 14 year old 'ortho' pocket srpung mattress from The Iron Bed Company, now Feather and Black and it is on a metal bed frame with sprung slats - superking size. I know it needs replacing as it is old and uncomfortable. I am thinking of a new mattress and new base. At the moment there is a raised ridge down the middle of the bed where the metal bit is below that holds the slats in place and there are sags in each side of the mattress where we sleep. My husband is 6feet 2 and 18 stone and I am 5 feet 5 and 11 stone. At the moment I get woken up every night when my husband turns over as his movement makes my side of the bed shake a lot. I was looking at a pocket sprung 2000 with a layer of memory foam on the top from a local shop, but having read your info now I am not so sure about the layer on top. Would it be better just to get a pocket sprung and a topper?

I am not that fussed about it being memory foam and I know your views on it, I just want to not be disturbed when hubby moves around, maybe that problem would be sorted just by a new mattress and bed anyway?

Any recommendations for where to buy good toppers and what to look for with them?

thanks for any advice!


Michaela Long Answered 11 months ago

Hi Jenny,
Thank you for your enquiry on our website.  At the body weights you have supplied you would need a medium spring tension and your husband would need a firm spring tension to give you both the correct support.  This can be done in either a dual spring tension or a zip and link ( one side medium and one side firm) both options available in King Size and above. 

Bodyweight Spring tension
Upto 16 Stone / 50-101kg Medium (1.4mm)
16 Stone / 101kg Upwards Firm (1.6mm)
Available in Bespoke Products (Please Call) Soft (1.2mm)

In your case, I would recommend the zip and link option rather than the dual spring tension one piece mattress, with it being essentially two mattresses it would prevent disturbances from tossing and turning in the night.  They are also ideal when there are issues with access to the room of your choice.
Artisan Bespoke Alpaca 003 Mattress
We would need to know your preferences in how you like the mattress to feel in the upholstery and the fibres used to construct the mattress, synthetic (Origins range) or natural fibres (Artisan range).  We would also need to know your sleeping habits in order to recommend a suitable model for yourselves.
We wouldn't recommend using a mattress topper for the first few weeks of getting a new mattress while you get a true feel for it as you may not need the added cost.  If you find the mattress slightly too firm the addition of a mattress topper will soften down the comfort layers.  We would recommend getting like for like in the fibres, so if you get a natural fibre mattress, in order not to lose the benefits of natural fibres, you should get a natural fibre topper such as wool.
I hope this was helpful and if you would like to discuss the suitability of any of our mattress please contact the office on 0161 437 4419.  Our Office hours are 8 am – 8 pm Monday to Friday and 10 am – 4 pm Saturday and Sunday.
Kind Regards

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