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For Dora at Trustpilot
7th July 2019

Vispring mattress

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Hi, we are buying a Vispring fursdon mattress and was wondering if you would recommend your Artisan Base for it?

Amy Woolley Answered 11 months ago

Hi Bilyana,

Thank you for your question.

Our Artisan sprung bases offer the ultimate in mattress base design. Providing an even more luxurious responsive feel to your mattress.

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Our John Ryan Artisan bases are 12″ in depth plus 2″ for Shepherd Castors making them 14″ in total. If drawers are added then the base height will be 13″ plus 2″ for Shepherd Castors making 15″ in total.

We provide two options on our sprung edge bases.
1. The Bonnell coil sprung edge base as our starter model
2. Pocket Sprung ‘True Edge’ base as our premium model

Spring edging can be looked upon as a mini mattress between the main mattress and the base. It offers a progressive support that dampens the strain of weight from the user. This significantly improves the overall comfort level of a mattress. This difference in comfort is often described as ‘Softer’ when compared to a Platform top divan equivalent.

The use of a sprung edged base also has the tendency to increase the lifespan of the mattress. The theory being that the actual springs inside the mattress are sharing the load with a further set of springs within the base.

So if you would like to give your new Vi Spring mattress a slightly softer feel overall then yes, I woulds say that our Artisan Sprung Base will be a fabulous options for you to consider.

If you would like to discuss this further please do not hesitate to call the office on 0161 437 4419.

Kind regards,

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